
Invent the new worst/most useless chess piece ever!


The "Mutator" mutates into a random piece of the same color every time it moves.


The skunk- starts next to the king and can only move 1 square in each direction. When your skunk is taken, all your pieces next to it will die (so not the opponents pieces). Your king standing a square next to your taken skunk will lead to an instant lose. A check with your skunk will lead to an instant win though


The drunk pawn - only moves sideways, one square at a time, and cannot capture anything. 

For a great game, try replacing all pawns with drunk pawns. 


The soap bubble - don't blow it...

The forums.


The 'extra' queen(s).

Invented by a half witted chess set dealer. They sit in the box never to be used by competent players.


The Beast. Instead of a queen each player has a Beast. The beast can move 1 square in any direction for each point sacrificed (pawn:1, knight&bishop:3, rook:5, queen:9). The Beast cannot check or checkmate.


A Modi pawn( 3 in total ). Reaching the enemy backrank, these 3 pawns can only be promoted to a bishop, rook or knight according to your opponent's choice. 


The Buoy.  It just floats around the board and gets in the way.  Either side can move it like a Knight. 

It cannot be taken and cannot take anything or be promoted to anything.  It is just annoying.


The Bight!


It has the right to move like a bishop or a knight, and it can move like a bishop one move and like a knight the next move if you want.


However!  You can't move it if any of the adjacent squares, including diagonally adjacent, contain a pawn of either color.  You also can't move into a square that is adjacent to a pawn of either color.


For example, take the diagram below.  The only squares a "bight" could move from would be a1, b1, a2, b2, c2, d1, e1, f1, and f8.  However, from f1 or f8, there would be nowhere to move to legally.

From a1, it could go to b2 or c2, from b1 it could go to a2 or c2, from b2 it could go to a1 or d1, from a2 it could go to b1, from c2 it could go to e1, d1, b1 or a1, from d1 it could go to b2 or c2, or from e1 it could go to c2.


Any "bight" on any other square can't legally move until the pawns are moved away, captured, or promoted away from the bight, like if a bight is on a8 at this time, the a7 pawn must move away or be captured before the bight can move.


Now boy that bights!



The dragon. You can promote your queen to a dragon if it has eaten 10+ points worth of pieces. The dragon:

1) Can go over pieces (Like a knight)

2) Can move like a rook, a bishop, or a knight

3) Cannot be moved 3 times in a row

4) Cannot eat pieces protected by the king

5) Can only ckeck/checkmate if the enemy king is ajacent

6) Cannot be eaten by a pawn


the pops up on a random square every 5 moves and whatever piece around it dies. if your king is around it then you lose


The Phantom Joker. Each side has one in the form of one of their pawns. When or if that pawn is captured, it instantly morphs into the Joker and actually captures the attacking piece, and  remains on its original square. Once the pawn turns into the Phantom Joker it can no longer be moved or captured. Players take their chances on which one of either colored pawns are really the Phantom Jokers because nobody knows until and if it happens.


A pawn with a piece of thread tied round under the collar. This does not affect it's moves but it has to deliver mate.


The Sneaky pawn. The Sneaky pawn looks just like the other pawns except for their bottom which only the player who has it is allowed to see. The sneaky pawn can not be moved. The players can chose to replace 1 pawn with a sneaky pawn at the start of the game in secret. If your opponent gets up from the chessboard, you may pick up your sneaky pawn and throw it at his king. If you his his king, you win. (Basically he is forced to resign because his king is knocked over.)




The Liberal
It can move backwards one square on any move.  It can move one square forward but only at the cost of removing one piece or pawn of ones own material immediately before making the move.  This is known as tax moving. 


The Court Wizard: 

The King's personal wizard. When he's about to be captured by another piece, he casts a spell and disappears to save himself. The thing is, he's totally gone, so as far as the player is concerned, he might as well have just been captured.