
Titled over 100 rating points in a couple of days. What was your worst ratings tilt?


In 5 minutes/3 minutes blitz I was about 890ish and now I'm 780. Is there something in my water? LOL

My worst ones are around 130-170 rating point tilts, however those were in only one day.

Have had multiple tilts around 100-150 points. I tilted bad in bullet and lost bit over 200 points and havent played bullet since then. Was definitely on tilt in blitz when I lost 6 straight games in my latest blitz session.

In rapid where I actually care about my rating i take an hour break if i get hit by two straight losses, and if i lose the following game i quit for the day.

Gimfain wrote:

Have had multiple tilts around 100-150 points. I tilted bad in bullet and lost bit over 200 points and havent played bullet since then. Was definitely on tilt in blitz when I lost 6 straight games in my latest blitz session.

In rapid where I actually care about my rating i take an hour break if i get hit by two straight losses, and if i lose the following game i quit for the day.

Good idea. I think I get "chess blind" after playing too many games.


120 pts or so in bullet, still trying to earn it back


My worst tilt was around 200 points, from 2000 to 1800 bullet


I lost 200 points in blitz on 1 day (2300->2100) a few years ago. About 100 on 1 day happens sometimes/often.


For me, that tilt happened over a week, that's what made it so bad.


Minus 400 points in less than a minute.

blueemu hat geschrieben:

Minus 400 points in less than a minute.

Should not have changed the profile picture...wink.png

onlyC6 wrote:
blueemu hat geschrieben:

Minus 400 points in less than a minute.

Should not have changed the profile picture...

Those screen-shots were taken months apart, but the rating loss was instantaneous.

It happened several years ago. had changed the rating formula, in a patch. My rating went up 400 points overnight, from 2351 to 2751. Some people got less. Some people got A LOT less. Some people got NOTHING. There arose a great wailing and gnashing of teeth, and hurriedly reverted their patch and put everybody's rating back the way it used to be. And my free 400 points disappeared again, as if it had all been just a dream...


Oh I remember that, but my rating was not changed at all, bofore they changed it back.

onlyC6 wrote:

Oh I remember that, but my rating was not changed at all, bofore they changed it back.

Well... all I've got left of my 2750 rating is that screenshot and some nostalgic memories.


I will probably never get there. My life goal is 2600 blitz, but I "only" got once over 2500 yet.

onlyC6 wrote:

My life goal is 2600 blitz, but I "only" got once over 2500 yet.

I do the Daily thing instead. 99% accuracy!


That is a crazy game. 99% in that is impressive.

I have some 100% blitz games, but they were just 15 moves of theory and a blunder. So not that special.

I get this quite often. Players don't know 12. Bg5+

onlyC6 wrote:

That is a crazy game.

In a country vs country match.

Go big, or go home!

YGimfain wrote:

Have had multiple tilts around 100-150 points. I tilted bad in bullet and lost bit over 200 points and havent played bullet since then. Was definitely on tilt in blitz when I lost 6 straight games in my latest blitz session.

In rapid where I actually care about my rating i take an hour break if i get hit by two straight losses, and if i lose the following game i quit for the day.

This is a good strategy. I will do this as well.


I also tilted 100 eilo this week...It sucks, so bad..


I went from 2550 to 2300 in a couple of days... this was like a couple months ago...