
Woodshover of the Month March 2012: Vote Now!


The legendary woodshover has changed his forum handle to a less woodshover-y name; whilst this is no doubt a tragic event in the annals of, I feel it is our duty to build something anew from these despairing ashes. 

As such, I propose that each month, we nominate members we feel are deserving of the forum name "woodshover," everyone votes, and the winner will be forced to change their username to woodshover, until we start anew and someone else wins that coveted crown of purity and glory.

The rules will be made up as I go along, so unless I say otherwise, nominate whomever you want, vote whenever you feel like it, and post some awesome pictures along the way.

Happy shoving, dueds.


I nominate theoreticalboy for Woodshover Of The Month (WOTM?-- sounds like a radio station).


I didn`t know it was possible to change our username. I nominate Huyen_Linh.

Cystem_Phailure wrote:

(WOTM?-- sounds like a radio station).

That's a very good point.  Henceforth, this thread shall be a radio station, and shall be named WOTM312.

theoreticalboy wrote:
Cystem_Phailure wrote:

(WOTM?-- sounds like a radio station).

That's a very good point.  Henceforth, this thread shall be a radio station, and shall be named WOTM312.

I just checked and learned that WOTM also stands for Women Of The Moose, an organization of female members of the Moose Lodge.  WOTM312 could be a new chapter.  Where shall we base the chapter?  We have plenty of space here in the UP for a meeting hall.


We also have plenty of space to put up a transmission tower for WOTM, although it should probably be AM if it's put here, as an FM signal from here won't reach very many people.  On AM we could compete directly with Limbaugh and that Coast-To-Coast conspiracy show loon.


A radio station, a Moose-loving organization, and conspiracy theories aplenty; how can we make this an even more fitting tribute to the woodshover we knew and loved?


Hilarious thread, TB!Laughing


....a trysts smiley face, that's how.


How is it that when woodie changed her name to match her picture, her picture went away? Did she perform some sort of ritual to sacrifice her picture and transfigure it into a username?

What happened to the poor name?


No matter what she changes her name to, she'll still always be a woodshover to me!

Uh-oh, I'm getting verklempt again...


Has anyone won yet?  Oh shit, I'm in charge... errrrrrrrr, carry on.


Where are the trivia questions? Trivia questions activate the HAARP mechanism that creates earthquakes. I don't see the point in the award if there are no "natural disasters"?

Cystem_Phailure wrote: I nominate theoreticalboy for Woodshover Of The Month (WOTM?-- sounds like a radio station). Seconded. Huyen Linh isn't a woodshover as far as I know. She only spams dumb cat photos which is undeserving of that glorious title.

I nominate ilikeflags for being the best asshole for woodie.


Where did AndyClifton go? He's been gone three months!


He is not coming back for sure.

kco wrote:

He is not coming back for sure.

Do you know that or are you just guessing?


I know that for a fact.


Why? Or is it a secret?