
How hard is it to get from 300 to 500 in rapid chess rating?


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I can teach you EXACTLY how to think during the game (opening, middlegame and endgame). Your chess understanding will never be the same and you will improve a lot. I charge €35/h (if you can't afford it, we can negotiate the price). If you can’t afford too many lessons, don’t worry. I can teach you a lot in an hour. Here to help if you are interested.

If you want to study by yourself, read ‘Logical Chess’. It is really instructive book. You have it on youtube as well:

Bro i really need a coach i know principal’s but my best rateing is 400

Yeah.... those dang 300 players are vicious.


Wait relly


Just need to win against equally matched opponents. It takes time to build up the rating though.


Not to brag, but I got from 300 to 500 in 3 weeks...



davidkimchi wrote:
Potterhead0808 wrote:
davidkimchi wrote:

I dropped to 100, then got back up to 300 pretty easily, but 300+players are tougher to beat.

How hard is it to work my way up to 500 for rapid chess?

i would say its not the hardest, but still a challenge altogether. honestly it just takes a lot of practice and puzzles as well as studying theory. im sure you can improve by taking your time to learn more.

300s is tough. i got to 350 earlier now back to 300.

I keep making blunders and silly mistakes. I feel if i take too long to think my moves, i lose on time

You should play longer games, so you do not have to worry about time. When you get better and better, you can play good moves instinctively.





Extremely difficult, imo. I am having an extreme amount of struggle getting back to over 500


Any tips for winning more games or getting more elo?

davidkimchi wrote:

I dropped to 100, then got back up to 300 pretty easily, but 300+players are tougher to beat.

How hard is it to work my way up to 500 for rapid chess?

This is what you need to think before each move: Is this move an absolute blunder?

Kyobir wrote:

Not to brag, but I got from 300 to 500 in 3 weeks...

2 days for me.


I just kept winning

ChessEuphonium wrote:

Extremely difficult, imo. I am having an extreme amount of struggle getting back to over 500

Maybe because of the ban in north korea?

varies from person to person, I’ve never been stuck so I don’t know why I’m commenting this
Very easy

i am 92 played a little chess at school using those plastic pieces in wallets. took it up again as hospitalised with a stroke which monosighted me am now at 550 after struggling for nearly two years through the faster half an hour games