
Im 750 and i need help


So umm im 750 and im losing all my games. Can someone help me or tell me tips please?




Improving Your Chess - Resources for Beginners and Beyond.....


You need to analyze your games and see where you lost each one. Was it the opening? Did you hang pieces in the middle game? Miss mate in one? Get into a lost end game?

Click the review button at the end of each game for an analysis.

Also, don't play super fast games until you're a stronger player. Give yourself enough time to think about every move.

And if you're stumped about any particular game, post it here and perhaps someone can give you a pointer or two.

There's no one single thing that will improve you dramatically, unless it's "don't hang your pieces."

Four things to learn:

1. The opening principles (that is not the same as ‘an opening’, just google ‘opening principles chess’);
2. Don’t give away free pieces and pawns and take free pieces and pawns that are given to you;
3. Basic endgames (k vs 2 rooks, k vs queen, k vs 1 rook, backrank mate, supported mate);

4. Learn to analyse your own games with focus on the first 3 topics. It takes time to learn to apply those things.
gulterg wrote:

So umm im 750 and im losing all my games. Can someone help me or tell me tips please?

But you are not losing all your games.

In Rapid stats you are winning 53% of your games, and losing 36% of your games in 197 games. Best win streak 12.

In Blitz the stats you are winning 39% of your games, and losing 55% in 18 games. Best win streak 4.

You are about a average rated chess player.

Just enjoy the games, and keep playing slower games. Slower games are the best way to improve. And you can always look at the many hours of free chess lessons to help your improvement.


Play slower games. 15|10 or 30 minutes. Before you make your move think about what your opponent could play on the next move and how you can respond to all of those possibilities.

For example what is the correct move for white in this position?

Don't just think about your own ideas. Think about what your opponent might be planning.


You should learn most important principles of a chess game. That will give you a solid understanding of a chess game and you will know what to do in every position. Then, you should optimize your calculation so you don't miss tactics in your games. Your rating will skyrocket. I can help you with all of this. Message me if you are interested.