
When to resign - Etiquette - An honest appeal


Well, I've read the first post and I honestly think the OP is trolling. Complaining because an opponent didn't lose a lost position. As much as I try to understand it, it's just beyond me.

Pulpofeira wrote:

Well, I've read the first post and I honestly think the OP is trolling. Complaining because an opponent didn't lose a lost position. As much as I try to understand it, it's just beyond me.

     Yes, Warnaki has started a few similar forums: people insist on launching speculative attacks, people don't play the openings he prefers, people don't resign when he thinks he is winning. Then he boasts about blocking all these "bullying" players.

     It doesn't matter if he pouts about people not respecting his "superior" standards of play, or if he blocks them when they don't. Arguing endlessly that he is right, others ought to follow his example, and those who disagree with him are too stupid, foolish or stubborn to "see the light" just marks him as an annoying troll.



I see.

ajl721x wrote:

This is one of the dumbest fourms I've ever seen. Your opponent has the choice to resign or not in a losing position. Never assume that you'll always get away with finishing a game in a winning position. If the position is R+K vs K and you are forced to win, you NEED to know that for example.



Honestly I understand the frustration but it actually helps you in chess because it helps you learn how to convert positions.