
A program to review the chess players


Imagine the existence of a program designed to enhance one's proficiency in chess. Consider a scenario where an individual, despite engaging in numerous games, finds themselves plateaued at a specific rating. Chess, being an inherently individualistic pursuit, encompasses a spectrum of personal styles, each player gravitating towards distinct approaches. Traditional methods of improvement often entail hiring a costly trainer or dedicating extensive time to studying books and videos. However, such approaches suffer from inefficiency, as trainers may inadvertently impose their own style onto the player, while generic instructional materials lack personalization, diminishing their efficacy. Consequently, many enthusiasts seek an expedient solution, yet remain disinclined to invest in conventional avenues due to their lack of commitment.

Now envision a program capable of analyzing an individual's entire corpus of chess games sourced from platforms like This program would generate personalized reports delineating the player's predominant moves and strategic tendencies, along with tailored recommendations for optimizing performance in specific positions or configurations. Crucially, the program acknowledges the immutable nature of personal style in chess, recognizing that attempting to alter this core aspect is futile. Moreover, by leveraging data from games played across varying time controls, ranging from rapid to classical formats, the program gains insights into the player's intuitive versus calculative tendencies. This deeper understanding facilitates the provision of advice aligned with the player's innate inclinations, enabling them to refine their skills in accordance with their intrinsic style.


You mean lichess?


, I am out of words lol. Ofc not.


I mean I'm pretty sure lichess does this same thing called chess insights.

Whiggi also has insights

There's also aimchess..

chesssblackbelt wrote:

I mean I'm pretty sure lichess does this same thing called chess insights.

Yeah, I just gave it a look, and thanks for pointing it out. Still, I can't help but notice there's quite a bit of resistance around it. Casual players don't seem to be jumping on board to improve their game. There's probably room to automate some aspects, making the experience smoother and more user-friendly. And we could definitely think about adding more useful features while trimming away the unnecessary ones. What if we build our program based on the foundation of Lichess Chess Insights? It could serve as a solid starting point for us to build upon. That way, we're not reinventing the wheel, and we can get things moving faster and with less hassle.


I never really use it anyway. I don't think there's an easy way to improve like that. Just need to play a lot to learn. Idk if anyone else finds it useful though.

chesssblackbelt wrote:

I never really use it anyway. I don't think there's an easy way to improve like that. Just need to play a lot to learn. Idk if anyone else finds it useful though.

Yeah, we have to find a way to grind down the resistance