
Analyze my Game


I played a really complicated game today that ended in a really strange way. I was struggling to work out all the complications that came out of it, and I need someone's help to analyze the moves. 

So yeah, I'm proud of it. It was a tough battle.

Oh also this win put my rating up to 1469, which I think is pretty good


First of all, its the first time i see e5 from black in the alapin variation of the sicilian. Secondly, you had an isolated and backwaed pawn on d7, which was a weakness. So, white is better in the opening. And white played really bad! He should have castled and attacked d7. But anyway, you handled the middlegame good.


I know I messed up somewhere, because my opponent had the chance to hit back hard with a counter attack. He very nearly did. Would you say that it was a mistake to play Bxf2? Or perhaps Kg6 was unsound? You tell me, I want to know what I did wrong. Yeah I mean I'm happy to have won but the idea is to keep improving. 

PAMetalBoss wrote:

I know I messed up somewhere, because my opponent had the chance to hit back hard with a counter attack. He very nearly did. Would you say that it was a mistake to play Bxf2? Or perhaps Kg6 was unsound? You tell me, I want to know what I did wrong. Yeah I mean I'm happy to have won but the idea is to keep improving. 

Bxf2 for me was just a desperate move to try to surprise you. Kg6 may be a good move, because he has no way to attack your king immediately. Maybe h5 could be played with idea of h4, but it would be not effective.


Bxf2 was my move, Bxf7 was his. I'm asking whether me playing Bxf2 was a mistake. 


Sorry wanted to say Bxf7. Bxf2 is a natural move there is nothing wrong about it.....