
Endgame Analysis Requested


In my game I was wondering if 37. Rxf3 was winning for white, black, or drawing. I have the line I came up with, but I was hoping that someone else could correct me, because I'm not exactly brilliant at chess.

Thanks Smile

Edit: Oh, and this was a blitz game, and both my opponent and I were running low on time.


It looks like a draw if white played Rxf3.  Maybe something like this:


So there's no way to force Bxd5+ in that variation?


well...I don't think Black can exactly force Bxd5+.  It might happen, but not forced.  I think.  I'm not sure though.  


Instead of 36....Rxf3, how about 36....Bxd5.  If 37. e7, Rxf3 looks winning.  Or am I missing something?


@dashkee94 Missed that move! Thanks, seems winning to me.

@Lady-Jane Thanks for the analysis.



White could play 37. Qc2 after Bxd5.  I think White is okay after ...Rxf3 38. Rxf3 Qxf3+


Oh wait, 36... Bxd5 loses to 37. Ne5


Well, if 37. Ne5, Qe2 threatening both f1 and f3 looks good, but Qc2 is tough.  It looks like it just leads to an ending where white's a N up.  I guess I did miss something; thanks.


For the original question, I think 37. Rxf3 invites a draw by perpetual.

The rest of the game: opening seems odd but forgivable, middlegame is... hm. Some thoughts.

9...Bd6 walked into the fork as you found out. I find 9...c4 is more interesting, opening c5 for the bishop while trying to cramp white.

14...Ra7 - what. 14...d5 develops.

16...Ne4 - hangs a knight. Try 16...d5 to stop white's d5 push. After this mistake you're really lost. I am quite amazed white didn't win, though.

It's hard to suggest better moves from either side from here as almost every sensible move makes no change to white's massive advantage.

23. Qf5 threatened mate on f8, and white would've won quickly. 23. Qf5 Kd8 24. e7+ etc; 23. Qf5 Qd6 24. Qf7+ Kd8 25. e7+ etc. Maybe I shouldn't be giving variations...

30. e7+ Kc7 31. Rc1+ Kb7 32. Rxc8 Rxc8 33. Qxc8+ Kxc8 34. e8=Q+; 30. e7+ Qxe7 31. Qxc8+ Kxc8 32. Nxe7+; white missed another chance.

34. Qxc8+ Rxc8 35. Rxc8+ Kb7 36. Rf8 Qxg6 37. e7 should be winning for white too.

35. Ne7 looks winning too.

35...gxf4 36. Qxf4 Bxd5. Looks like black could save something here. And if 35...gxf4 36. [something else like Kh2] Bxd5 and black threatens stuff anyway.

36. Ng2 and white should be able to hold his king while promoting the e-pawn; I could be wrong here. 36. Ng2 Rxf3 37. Rxf3 Qxf3 38. Qd8+ Ka7 39. e7 is what I see.


Hm. 37. Rxf3 Qxf3+ 38. Kg1 Qe3+ 39. Kh2 Qxd3 40. Qd6 looks like it holds... No, wait. 40...Qg3+ 41. Qxg3 hxg3+ 42. Kxg3 Bxd5 is a winning endgame for black anyways. That 38...Qe3+! is strong.

OK, how about 37. Rxf3 Qxf3+ 38. Kg1 Qe3+ 39. Kf1 Qxd3+ 40. Ke1. White needs just 2 tempi for e7-(Qd8+)-e8=Q and can probably try running the king to the queenside to escape the bishop.


Any concrete lines? I'll supply one. 40. Ke1 Qxd5 41. e7 Qe4+ (after 41...Qe6+ Kd2 black only has 42...Qd5+ repeating) 42. Kd2 Qd4+ 43. Ke1 (43. Kc1 Qe3+ gg) Qe3+ 44. Kf1 Qxh3+ (44...Qf4+? 45. Qxf4 gxf4 46. e8=Q+) (44...Qf3+ 45. Ke1 repeating) (44...Bf3 45. Qc8+ Ka7 46. Qc7+ and white's giving the checks now) 45. Ke1 Qe3+ 46. Kf1 h3! wins.

A diagram!

WOW I ended up refuting myself.


37. Qxb7+! Kxb7 38. Nc5+ Kc7 39. d6+! and white wins. e.g. 39...Kd8 40. Nxe4 Rxf1+ 41. Kg2 Rd1 (41...Re1 42. Kf3) 42. e7+ and 43. Nf6+.

Interesting in the sense that white wins easily, but not interesting in that it's a straightforward win I guess? :P


Bah I keep missing good moves. 38...Kc8 39. Nxe4 Rxf1+ 40. Kg2 Re1 and white probably won't get to promote. 41. Kf3 g4+ looks interesting there and I can't tell what's going on overall.


I think white needs to kill the black pawns while holding his own as long as possible. Looking at both 41. Nxg5 Re5 42. Nf3 Rxd5 43. Nxh4 Rd2+ (I think white's lost) and 41. Nc5 Kd8 (41...Kc7 42. Nxa6+ Kd6 43. Nb4) (41...Re5 42. Nd7) 42. d6 Rd1+ 43. e7+ Ke8 44. Ne4.

The latter line looks good. Survivable at least.


Well, time to resign. But not until after black dodges some traps by 45. Nc6 Rxa2 46. e7 Kd7 (safest?) 47. d6 Ra8 48. Nd8 Rxd8! and resigns. White's lost in all lines, but could get interesting tricks IF black plays poorly: 46...Ra8 47. Kg4 Kxd5?! (47...Ra4+?! 48. Kxg5 Re4 49. Kf5 Kxd5?! 50. Nb4+! Perp?) (47...Re8 instant win) 48. Nd8 Ra4+ 49. Kf5 Re4 50. Nc6 ('threat' Nb4+) Re1! wins (50...Rxe7?! 51. Nxe7+ Kc5 52. Ke4 where white might salvage something.)

OK, white's lost. I just wanted to show off the position after the line with 47...Ra4+?! above. Is this a cute draw?