
How should i go on i have no clue about the midgame^^



I am White playing vs an level 5 from 10 Computer i am pretty new to chess and i mostly end in situations like that where i dont know how to go on


I guess from your title that this is a game in progress. On asking for help on ongoing games is fobidden, and if it's on another site ethics forbid me to answer.

If the game is over, could you post the whole game ? You can find a good tutorial on how to do it here (link).

Irontiger hat geschrieben:

I guess from your title that this is a game in progress. On asking for help on ongoing games is fobidden, and if it's on another site ethics forbid me to answer.

If the game is over, could you post the whole game ? You can find a good tutorial on how to do it here (link).

Uhm i am playing at my Mobilephone vs a Computer so why is it forbidden to help me in this game going through?


Sory, didn't read your 2nd post.

Well, either b2-b4 or f4-f5 look good pawn pushes to me. You have to chose one and prepare it.


Kinda thought about that too other moves i would not recommend at the moment. But i think f4-f5 will be bad in the following moves. I would lose the trade there i think.


I wrote : prepare it. Get more control over f5 before playing it.


Lose what trade? As he said, you have to prepare any pawn pushes, to make sure that they work tactically. Any strategy is flawed if the tactics don't work.


I quite like the look of knight g5 to be honest


so the only way to make f5 stronger is with Nf3-h4? Bishops are blocked for that place and every other piece isnt really in range for that. Still i feel more comfortable with going b2-b4 since his NC6 is bounded by my Queen.

snoop_lion hat geschrieben:

I quite like the look of knight g5 to be honest

mh ye also looking quite strong not for the pawn push but still a nice move though.


Pawn b4 is also quite nice since knight is pinned down by your queen


If you play b4 you can follow up with knight takes d4 after too


Wait scrap that last idea lol forgot bout the bishop


mh right now i dont like b4 anymore since it would go: b2-b4, c5xb4, Rb1xb4 (since bd2 cant x him because he is saving the pawn at f4), than b7-b5+ after that his knight isnt pinned anymore so he can freely take my rook and also my queen is in attack.


Well thought out, maybe knight g5 is the best move after all if you want to press the attack


ye i guess g5 will be the best could ask you the whole game through now but guess that would be to annoying ;P so how do i improve my midgame? ;P


You do always have knight c2 before pawn b4 as well if you wanted to take an extra move setting it up


Yeah Nc2 would also put pressure on d4 if you get b5 in, but doesn't a5 just stop that plan?