
Is this a Draw or Not?



perpetual check would make it a draw..    1.Qf6+  Kh6   2. Qg5+ Kg7 3. Qf6+ Kg8 4.Qd8+   etc.       otherwise it looks like black has plenty of sneaky little tricks to pull off the win    (or at least win the knight)
I think black can escape with 1. Qf6+ Kg8 4.Qd8+ Kf7 5. Qf6+ Ke7

Here are my thoughts, 1)Qf6+ Kg8 2)Qd8+ since black is ahead he is going to look for a way out by goin to (Kf7) then 3)Ng6+ blacks only real choice is to move to (g7)  4)Ne6+ with this move there are options a) RxN RxR b) Kf7 and we are back to square one, and c)Kh6 with option A  you exchange knight for a rook and a pawn because the queen will take d2, with option B you have your draw and with option C the game is won for white with Kh6 and then Qg5++ anyone see that or do you want me to notate?



Vino, Ke7 is not possible when the queen is on f6.


Bendcat, It depends on what you would like to see in this postion. There is a perpetual check via 1. Qf6+ Kh6 2. Qg5+ Kg7 3. Qf6+ Kh6. But, why should black cooperate? Black can make a go for it with 1. Qf6+ Kg8 and there really isn't any better move for white than 2. Qd8+ or else Re4 by black gets in. So, 2... Kf7 3. Qf6+ Ke8 and which ever you want to go with white from here on is beside the point. The perpetual check is gone. If 3. Ng5+, then 3... Kg7 ( only square available ) and white can continue his attack with 4. Qd7+ Kf6 ( 4... Kh6 5. Nf7+ fork ) 5. Nh7+.

ke8  is probably the worst thing black could do...   becuase Nxd6+ wins the exchange at least... (if not the whole rook).
yeah, white probably should think " maybe a win " instead of " maybe a draw. "

black MUST play for a draw with Kg8, Kg7 and repeat. any other move loses for black - Kh6 and then the knight come in checking and black loses a piece. kf7 loses to another knight check - Ng5.

 2... Ng7?? 3. Qf4+ Kh5 (3... Rg5 4.Qxg5#) 4.Nf6#.....        sooooooo  the original line of perpetual check just gets cut ...    1. Qf6+ Kg8 2.Qd8+ Kg7   etc.    Its still drawn... but only if black sees that Kh6 is death
this was a rather good test of insight bendcat...Wink
I meant Ke8 (typed Ke7 by mistake) in my earlier comment, but Batmanmg is rignt. Black ends up loosing the exchange.
Interestingly enough, Fritz9 was happy to settle for a draw as white with the previously mentioned line of 1. Qf6+ Kg8 2. Qd8+ Kg7 3. Qf6+ Kg8 and the three-fold rep. followed. In its log, Fritz9's second line of analysis was 1. Qf6+ Kg8 2. Kb2...which I initially thought odd because of 2...Re4. So, I played it against the comp which came back with 3. c3! and the queen cannot hold on to her rook. The point of 2. Kb2 became evident as there would be no temporizing check with 3...Re1 at this point. Evidently, this line isn't good enough for Fritz9 as white, and so the choice of a three-fold repetition draw. So, to strictly answer Bendcat's question, if he was playing black against Fritz9, Bendcat would have drawn this position by the Kg8-Kg7 maneuver.
hey    i tried this odd move...   a2...  see what you come up with... (im playing it against chessmaster and so far material has stayed equaL..although since white is a pawn down already  it leads to a draw or lost game for white (but most likely lost.)

Woah this is old

oldest game analysis


This is super old



How is a draw?