
Why The??



Why do People sacrifice their Knight? I know the king can't castle but come on!


I don't get it? It's like their worst off!


There are the ideas of Bc5+ or Qh4+ (if the knight moves). Neither is sound, but it can make some use as a surprise weapon.

xbigboy wrote:

There are the ideas of Bc5+ or Qh4+ (if the knight moves). Neither is sound, but it can make some use as a surprise weapon.

Then I do that Or

Or That


I guess they're hoping you fall for the mistake in your first diagram post #4 (you missed 3...Qf6+).

I've never known why they do it.  I've seen it multiple times from bad players but never known what the trap is supposed to be.  I figured they just wanted to give up their knight to make castling impossible because they don't understand how much a knight is worth.


People who do that must not know what their doing! I actually want to hear the opinion from a Master. Is there a master out there making this move?

paulgottlieb wrote:


Thanks! Now I know I'm not insane in not figuring that move out & the people that do it is just foolish! Thanks! (:


Obviously black just saw how white is almost winning the the Cochrane gambit, and wanted to play the Cochrane gambit reversed!


People do that a lot in bullet\blitz games. They just hope to win on time, since you'll be struggling to keep out of checks, trying to get your king to safety. They do that with white, playing Bc4, then Bxf7; then Nf3, Ng5, Qc3 etc... Usually they'll castle on the opposite side and then try to storm your weakened king side with pawns. Although the attack may fail, you end taking a lot of time trying to find the correct moves.

Elizabeth_Teri_Baker wrote:


Why do People sacrifice their Knight? I know the king can't castle but come on! an improper sac.(nxp)   BUT ph3 is not much better.

Elizabeth_Teri_Baker wrote:
paulgottlieb wrote:


Thanks! Now I know I'm not insane in not figuring that move out & the people that do it is just foolish! Thanks! (:

When I was confident. -_- Now I guess I don't know

Elizabeth_Teri_Baker wrote:


Why do People sacrifice their Knight? I know the king can't castle but come on!

try bc4,nxp,kxp,nc6 (or u will get....bxp+,kxb,nxp+kd4,nf7+ and the queen.....



anyone else have an opinion? (:


Reminds me of this opening:

Except that this sacrifice is much more effective I think. I really don't see a way for black to maintain a material advantage and avoid being checkmated at the same time.

macer75 wrote:

Reminds me of this opening:


Except that this sacrifice is much more effective I think. I really don't see a way for black to maintain a material advantage and avoid being checkmated at the same time.

That one makes more sense! (:


Yeah..but black can hang on to the piece and just move his king back, then he's winning

Elizabeth_Teri_Baker wrote:


Why do People sacrifice their Knight? I know the king can't castle but come on!

I see these moves mostly by computers.


Compters? You mean handicapped computers!

I don't see the point to Nxf2... it's just a free piece. Once white develops conservatively, he's just up a piece... so what if his king is in the center? He can always take a few moves to artificially "castle" it.


yeah! I try not to get messed up with computers... somethimes they can confuse me