
Can somebody explains what is the logic behind 1 min, 3 min or 5 min. games?


While playing blitz is fun,  not mindless and require skills to play, the true beauty and art of chess lies on longer time control than blitz. I have seen many new players here complaining that ther are not improving at chess, if you will look at their games they only play blitz. To improve a beginner should not play blitz.

AlexMirkin wrote:

Learning how to play 1-minute games helps after the first 14 minutes of a 15-minute game.

This man gets it. 


If you're smart its easy.


Well it's a good you're powerless to impose your time controls on the rest of us. I hate long boring games. You'll have to just DEAL WITH IT.

I play 10m and nothing but. Anything shorter is too fast for me, but speed chess is an excercise in quick thinking... whoever's quicker with their wits prevails.

Eff "perfection"! The more a game steers into positional, as longer time controls encourage, the more at a disadvantage I'll be in as I just can't visualize THAT the way i can TARGETS which usually pop right up.

Y'all really (talking to gambit haters especially) REALLY need to get over yourselves and stop trying to tell the rest of us how we should play and just concentrate on your own freakin' games.


West chess school calls it warm up or waking your reflexes!! It is important to their training at a daily base of 2 hours of 5 minutes blitz. Russians took that secret and now they pretend to be loyal to their school of no time chess