
Difference Between Online And Over The Board Chess


What Are Difference Between Online And Over The Board Chess?


You play more serious over The board


Online you just go to the next game where it's your move... otb you take a nap while waiting for your opponent to move! Wink


When losing online, you disconnect....  When loosing over the board, you fling the board and say...  "oops I missed the fly..  who's turn was it" 


For me, its a world of difference.  OTB chess is what i look forward to.  Online chess is something to pass the time.


Another interesting difference in OTB versus online chess.

The Pompous Losers who make snide remarks while playing online.

Never ever make any even borderline rude comments when I play them OTB



I feel like chess on line is like rehearsals for the real show, it is preparation.




Other than that the biggest difference I find is the lack of need for a poker face on the internet. Whenever I play the “Oh God please don’t let her see the mistake!” moves online I’m freaking out and biting my hand but over the board I stare down some other part of the boar like that’s where the action is. Then if she dose se the move, online I through my hands in the air and cuss up a storm but in the game I just give a knowing smile as if to say


“Excellent you fell into my trap”


Diakonia wrote:

For me, its a world of difference.  OTB chess is what i look forward to.  Online chess is something to pass the time.

Is this a quotation? I want to use it as my chess motto if you dont mind.


OTB chess is much more intense. With winning...  much more satisfying and when losing a much more of a sting. :)

Alvin_Cruz wrote:
Diakonia wrote:

For me, its a world of difference.  OTB chess is what i look forward to.  Online chess is something to pass the time.

Is this a quotation? I want to use it as my chess motto if you dont mind.

+1 on both posts. 


People at weekend tournaments give up their time and money to be there, so your opponent's attitude and preparation (even if preparation only means trying to be in good form, rested, etc) tends to be more serious. The games generally take much longer, so a person's performance is generally more meaningful to them as well. The rating moves more slowly than online, and there can be prize money and titles involved, so people tend to care more about results as well.

Online you face all sorts of opponents. Some are serious, but also some play right before bed, or after work, or as entertainment and don't pay attention. Some test new openings, cheat, troll, have multiple people on one account, etc. There's no money and little time invested, and no money to win. Rating achievements and titles are also less meaningful due to legal manipulation (like choosing opponents) as well as illegal (like cheating).

So to sum up:
Opponent's attitude
Personal investment
Value of performance
Value of results
Potential earnings
General prestige

Alvin_Cruz wrote:
Diakonia wrote:

For me, its a world of difference.  OTB chess is what i look forward to.  Online chess is something to pass the time.

Is this a quotation? I want to use it as my chess motto if you dont mind.

Feel free to use it!




it's the same platform as online friends vs. real-life friends: they each have their pluses & minuses, and it's up to us to calibrate the benefits it beholds; to do away with the unnecessary as it unfolds


In online chess, you don't have to worry about the "touch-piece" rule, the 2 opponents can be wherever they want to and they can't see each other, they can wear anything and say anything, and the 2 opponents can have helpers and can easily share secrets. However, the conditions that I described are totally opposite when it comes to over the board chess


In online chess you can't smell your opponent . 

In OTB chess people mind their manners much better !  


OTB.... You gotta hit the clock every now and then...  All taken care of online.. ⏳

EinMal wrote:

Another interesting difference in OTB versus online chess.

The Pompous Losers who make snide remarks while playing online.

Never ever make any even borderline rude comments when I play them OTB

Hate to burst your bubble, but its not just you.  People in general are much politer in public as opposed to online.


The difference is between slower, and just slow.

Diakonia wrote:
EinMal wrote:

Another interesting difference in OTB versus online chess.

The Pompous Losers who make snide remarks while playing online.

Never ever make any even borderline rude comments when I play them OTB

Hate to burst your bubble, but its not just you.  People in general are much politer in public as opposed to online.

Online people dont have to worry about being punched in the mouth . Surprised