
Do you think chess and mathematics are related?


To Tantale: Yes! Absolutely, chess is related to mathematics.


Yes, it's important to be able to count to 40 so you can make the first time control

joeydvivre wrote:
BowerickWowbagger wrote:

Mathematics is about as much fun and excitement as having a spider raise her young in your left ear .

With Chess at least you can pick up chicks.

Although neither use rackets so they do have that in common.

Having worked on Wall St, I can positively assure you that it is possible to use mathematics to have a $500K+ salary.  Which works better to pick up chicks?:

a) "Hi, yes, I wanted to know if you have ever spent the weekend in Paris?  You might think I'm a geek but I know tons about art and wear size 13 shoes with comparably sized parts"

b) "I can kick your ass at chess"

It is not remotely close.  

Well of course he was sarcastic. Anyway, there are many people who value culture over pursuits like chess, but that doesn't affect my own beliefs. People shouldn't be judgmental (although they probably are) about hobbies they don't know anything about, or those that seem outlandish, because if you're not involved with it, you can never know the whole story.


Joey, I agree that the optimization problem is simple in and of itself, and most of  the difficulty is in the process of coming up with the values of the various factors on all reasonable moves and weighting the various factors, but even the problem of evaluation has a mathematical component to it. How does one come to an evaluation if not by weighing various factors, trying to see if there are any holes in one's logic or factors one has overlooked, and then weighting the factors and doing a heuristic calculation to come up with an order-of-magnitude estimate of the expected likelihood of winning (or drawing, as the case may be) of that position. There is also a very strong component of deductive logic involved in that process, which is of course also related to mathematics.

DazedKnight wrote:

Many educators will tell you that for great, young players, math, music, language study and chess are complementary.

Play often... it's good for your brain!

Yeah, it sure helped Fischer's a lot.

Considering what "many educators" have told me at various points throughout my life, I doubt that I'll be giving their input too much credence.

sapientdust wrote:

Joey, I agree that the optimization problem is simple in and of itself, and most of  the difficulty is in the process of coming up with the values of the various factors on all reasonable moves and weighting the various factors, but even the problem of evaluation has a mathematical component to it. How does one come to an evaluation if not by weighing various factors, trying to see if there are any holes in one's logic or factors one has overlooked, and then weighting the factors and doing a heuristic calculation to come up with an order-of-magnitude estimate of the expected likelihood of winning (or drawing, as the case may be) of that position. There is also a very strong component of deductive logic involved in that process, which is of course also related to mathematics.'s getting windy in here...

chesspooljuly13 wrote:

Yes, it's important to be able to count to 40 so you can make the first time control

The first sensible point made so far!


Aw jeez Bowerick, don't be so literal. Smile


Studies are more close to mathematics because every white move must be exact. That's why I like them.

BowerickWowbagger wrote:

 Do you think chess and martial arts are related ? Do you think chess and fencing are related?


Yes. Played between two people :)


According to wikipedia Paul Keres studied mathematics at university


Chess and Math are kissing cousins from West Virginia.


Oh no!!........Take me home........Please Z don't!


I'm not sure how it would be useful to know if chess and mathematics are related.


Well, since cows and dolphins are clearly related (as per post #96), why not?


lol...oh !!


Every thing in Natrure (not Life) is linked to Mathematics. . . but you do not have to know Mathematics to play Chess

The standard peeople´s affinity is due to the fact that mathematicians and chess players have, in one way or the other, an orderly mind. 

tabor wrote:

The standard peeople´s affinity is due to the fact that mathematicians and chess players have, in one way or the other, an orderly mind. 

Yeah, good point, look at John Nash and Bobby Fischer. (lol)


Many strong chess players who were also mathematicians, including Adolf Anderssen, one of the best players of the 19th century; Emanuel Lasker, the second world champion; Max Euwe, the fifth world champion; and, among the more recent examples, John Nunn, an English grandmaster, who earned his Ph.D. in mathematics at 23.


Do you Tantale?....It's a good point..But not all masters were or are mathematicians.Maybe if they had pursued mathematics they would of excelled at maths..but that is just conjecture.