
Donald Trump is the first president to be a fan of chess!


Yes, Trump is the first president to be a fan of chess...except for all of the other presidents who were (and are) fans of chess that came before him.

The_Chin_Of_Quinn wrote:
Cherub_Enjel wrote:

Trump had to delete his account for the campaign, but it seems like he wasn't that bad, with 2000+ in speed categories and 1800+ peak in Daily before timing out.


I remember when this guy was posting in the forums.

LOL really? I do recall trolling the forums a bit (it was my troll account, which I made to celebrate end of school year, and closed in a week). 

human-in-training wrote:

Yes, Trump is the first president to be a fan of chess...except for all of the other presidents who were (and are) fans of chess that came before him.

Liberal propaganda. Chessbase is funded by Podesta loving pedophiles who seek to delegitimize Trump by making it appear as if other US presidents knew how to play chess.

Google suppresses the real reports of how Trump brought chess to America back in the 80s, so it's simply not possible that people like Jefferson had ever even seen a chess board, much less be a fan of the game.


FAKE forum post! Sad!


All evidence against me is only proof that the conspiracy is real.

They even want to say some made up guy called Booby Fishman played chess in the 70s, fully 10 years before Trump taught American to play chess. SAD!


They just completed an in depth fact check study of "internet news" (based on year 2014) with the a result that only half of them are I guess there is a 50/50 shot he said that....maybe it is even less than that though now because it seems like the news is all written bias one way or another even worse now than in 2014....sadly you really just can't just "google" anything anymore without cross checks to quite a few sources.


I wish we had reporting like Walter Cronkite could not even tell what side of the political spectrum he was on...reporters are just supposed to present the facts and let the viewer decide.


There's a video of him saying it, if you follow the links.

But whatever. If you're big on conspiracy stuff even after seeing the video you'll think aliens manufactured it or something. Believe whatever makes you feel good, it's your life to live.


I'll edit my first post to the following:

@ 20:40

" . . . you'd have to be like a grand chess master, and we don't have any of them."


Did anyone notice that the picture is for a chess variant.

It is played on 3 boards.

I like Trump.


universityofpawns wrote:

They just completed an in depth fact check study of "internet news" (based on year 2014) with the a result that only half of them are I guess there is a 50/50 shot he said that....maybe it is even less than that though now because it seems like the news is all written bias one way or another even worse now than in 2014....sadly you really just can't just "google" anything anymore without cross checks to quite a few sources.

By flooding the market with fake (not fake as in critical of someone, but fake as in fictional) news, they make people distrust all media in general.

Certainly these days everyone leaves out facts and use very specific wording to make readers draw conclusions that the facts don't support... this wouldn't work if people weren't so dumb, but I guess that's how it is.

But anyway, total fiction is pretty rare... although you do see it from certain organizations and... ahem* political figures. I don't want to get too nasty even if this topic is already doomed for a lock.


If this thread was depicted as a scene from a zoo, it would take place in the monkey exhibit.

One monkey takes a crap and starts flinging it at all the others.  Some of the monkeys simply eat it up and remain covered in it willingly, while others desperately try to clean it off of themselves and fling it back, ashamed of being the same species as the Original Crap Thrower (OP).


I guess it's a pretty easy troll topic. Just mention Trump and wait.


Have you ever actually gotten up and given a 1 hour speech with no teleprompter??? Trump has done it many times....O'Bama never, Hillary never....he makes one small mistake just to illustrate the point that we are now dumbed down in America, which is the point that you just made too Chin...and you jump all over him and take it out of context....guess I see no bias here???? Not!

universityofpawns wrote:

Have you ever actually gotten up and given a 1 hour speech with no teleprompter??? Trump has done it many times....O'Bama never, Hillary never....he makes one small mistake just to illustrate the point that we are now dumbed down in America, which is the point that you just made too Chin...and you jump all over him and take it out of context....guess I see no bias here???? Not!

Definitely I'd say something dumb if I had to talk for an hour.

But if I were incorrect, especially demonstratively incorrect, I'd admit it, and we'd all move on.

I wouldn't, for example, say it's a conspiracy against me, and e.g. demand an investigation and order photos from the national park service to prove me right (by the way the photos of course proved him wrong).

Definitely all politicians lie, but if we're going to be comparing, Trump lied a lot more frequently than "crooked" Hillary.


Well, we will see, I am willing to give him a chance at least, and hope he does a good job so our country can move forward...did not really like any of the choices this time...he is not really a politician, that is what many like about least you know where he stands...kind of like a Patton or Reagan type A personality.


Not that this means Hillary was so good. She's an experienced politician. Politicians have a lot of practice lying, and instead of outright lying, they prefer to do things like change the subject. Trump was much less subtle. His habit was to lie often and loudly. People who didn't care enough to pay attention loved the air of confidence.

universityofpawns wrote:

Well, we will see, I am willing to give him a chance at least, and hope he does a good job so our country can move forward...did not really like any of the choices this time...he is not really a politician, that is what many like about least you know where he stands...kind of like a Patton or Reagan type A personality.

Sure, I hope he does a good job too.

Although I think it would be pretty tough... having no experience and he's 70 years old. I'm not saying you can't learn anything new at 70, just that you're not the man you were 20 years ago, and he has a lot to learn.

Do you believe EVERYTHING you read on the internet? Fake news!

Even site refutes this claim


So I call BS that Trumpette is the first and it does not stand the sniff test.



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