
How is calculated the total positions in Chess960?


It's actually not very difficult to calculate if your approach is simple and you've studied combinations in maths.

1. Calculate the positions for the two bishops. Since the bishops have to be on the opposite colour squares-

1.1 No. of places for black bishop = 4c1= 4 (Since there are 4 black squares)

1.2 No. of places for white bishop = 4c1 =4 (Since there are 4 white squares)

2. Calculate the no. of places for the queen. Note that there are only 6 squares remaining now, since, the two bishops already occupy 2 of the 8 squares.

Therefore, no. of places for the queen= 6c1 = 6.

3. Calculate the no. of places for the two knights. Note that after assigning positions to the queen and the 2 bishops, only 5 of the 8 squares are vacant.

Therefore, no. of places for the two knights= 5c2 * 1! = 10. (Note: Knights are identical pieces. So their arrangement in these two squares don't matter. Hence, only one possible arrangement.)

4. Now, only 3 squares are vacant. But the king has to be between the two rooks. Also, the rooks are identical pieces. So, there is only 1 way to do that.

5. Therefore, total no. of possible starting positions in chess 960= 4*4*6*10*1= 960.



Is there any way of playing a game of Chess 960 with



When you issue an open seek challenge, set the 'game-type' or 'variant' to Chess960.

The_Worstiest wrote:

Thinking well, it should be renamed to Chess959, since 1 of 960 positions is the standard.

ur right !...and it shouldnt be counted.

Thee_Ghostess_Lola wrote:

Ahh, things a tiny mind does to amuse itself in bed  .

Ummm... ok. I'm not taking it out of context, you're taking it out of context.


Please read it out.


i diddit under the covers w/ a flashlight a long time ago...take me ta court.