
is it unethical...


You're playing a game which you got an early lead.

The other guy wants to fight to the end, hoping for a blunder.

At some point, you get him down to a king versus your queen, rook, knight and all 8 pawns.

He still won't resign.

Anything wrong it going for a bunch o' queens?

After all, he can resign any time.  

Yes, it's dangerous, you could draw via stalemate.

But he can resign any time and you can practice not putting someone into stalemate with 9 queens.




No no I always do that. When the other guy is down to a King, the goal for me is to make as many queens as I can. I think 4 is the record, since many pawns are dead by that point.


When i run across someone that wont resign in those types of game i do one of two things:

1. Promote to as many rooks as possible.

2. Promote to as many of my original pieces as possible, and place them back on there original squares.


Resetting the position (putting your pieces back on original squares) when far ahead in material is a fun one

Like you said, they're in control of when the game ends. Similarly it's your choice how to play.

0110001101101000 wrote:

Resetting the position (putting your pieces back on original squares) when far ahead in material is a fun one

Like you said, they're in control of when the game ends. Similarly it's your choice how to play.

Great idea!

SouthWestRacingNews wrote:

You're playing a game which you got an early lead.

The other guy wants to fight to the end, hoping for a blunder.

At some point, you get him down to a king versus your queen, rook, knight and all 8 pawns.

He still won't resign.

Anything wrong it going for a bunch o' queens?

After all, he can resign any time.  

Yes, it's dangerous, you could draw via stalemate.

But he can resign any time and you can practice not putting someone into stalemate with 9 queens.



Common sense dictates that you finish the game as soon as possible.However, I admit to having sinned myself,chasing around my rather  bedazzled opponent with 6 knights..Nobody's perfect..


It might be a bit unsporting, but your opponent does have the right to carry on, he might be hoping for you to time out, stalemate him, or otherwise leave the game...

Advice probably shouldn't be given during an ongoing game, but if it were me i'd probably do something like promote all the pawns to knights...


This refusal to resign is sometimes referred to as 'hoping for a heart attack'.  If your opponent is wishing that on you I don't see any problem with having some fun at his or her expense.


I'd still mate them as quickly as I can. Make finding the quickest mate the challenge. Many coaches teaches their (kid) students that they are not allowed to resign. It is just painful to play that out.

Tapani wrote:

I'd still mate them as quickly as I can. Make finding the quickest mate the challenge. Many coaches teaches their (kid) students that they are not allowed to resign. It is just painful to play that out.

Good point. I had no idea about the coaches teaching kids never to resign. Sounds too cruel..

jengaias escribió:

There are no unethical moves.

You do anything you want to do and your opponent does anything he wants to do.

This. Case closed.

Tapani wrote:

I'd still mate them as quickly as I can. Make finding the quickest mate the challenge. Many coaches teaches their (kid) students that they are not allowed to resign. It is just painful to play that out.

but the Point is, the is the Nicest way to end the game (if the opponent doesn't resign) and the most sporting.

the other popular way in blitz at least is to move VERY fast running down the clock since the opponent has to worry about every threat.  thats not as nice.

Nice = quick checkmate.

all legal moves are ethical.

Don_frye1 escribió:
Pulpofeira wrote:
jengaias escribió:

There are no unethical moves.

You do anything you want to do and your opponent does anything he wants to do.

This. Case closed.

En Español?

Eso es. Caso cerrado.

thegreat_patzer wrote:
Tapani wrote:

I'd still mate them as quickly as I can. Make finding the quickest mate the challenge. Many coaches teaches their (kid) students that they are not allowed to resign. It is just painful to play that out.

but the Point is, the is the Nicest way to end the game (if the opponent doesn't resign) and the most sporting.

the other popular way in blitz at least is to move VERY fast running down the clock since the opponent has to worry about every threat.  thats not as nice.

Nice = quick checkmate.

all legal moves are ethical.

Good point The Great Patzer.I guess then  if you castle illegally hoping your opponent won't notice,you are being unethical!


When I have an opponent who wants to play to checkmate, I look for the easiest (not necessarily the fastest) way to checkmate them.  Most of the time, this requires getting rid of the clutter by sacrificing some of my material.  Why drag  the game out or risk stalemate just to show the opponent who's who?


Here is an example of what can happen if you have mate but try to take the p**s. I had 16 seconds left at the end, my opponent had 10 minutes. I think its fine to do, make 6 knights or whatever, as long as you dont blow it and look a tit.



I don't see anything unethical with it; but I try to end the game by affecting checkmate as quickly as possible and move on to the next challenge. But, that's just me ...


An argument for the other side might be genuine curiosity to deliver mate with unusual combinations of minor pieces exclusively(e.g. with 3 knights or with 2 white- squared bishops and two knights,etc.)Naturally,above all it depends on whether it is a serious OTB game or some silly unrated online blitz game.In the former case you will just finish the game efficiently,no doubt.

Lasker1900 wrote:

Unethical? No. But a bit dickish. Just win the game as efficiently as possible and move on.

You seem to be an online (correspondence) player, in which case your comment makes a hell of a lot of sense. Most people in their right mind would hate to spend a couple of years to mate their opponent with 7 knights and two bishops.But in a fun blitz game why not enjoy some cat-and-mouse if your opponent insints on being stubborn?!

alex-rodriguez wrote:

Can you imagine Bobby Fischer going for a bunch of queens?

Can you imagine Boris Spassky not resigning a king vs queen and a million pawns position? Of course not.