
Men VS Women!


I wouldn't know, my pituitary gland takes care of my performance enhancing needs...


No one tapped my statement about giving birth?  I doubt men could handle a bowling ball size object passing through them, I couldn't, the world would cease to exist (if men had the babies).

Who is the strongest sex now? 


chrisr2212 wrote:

#315 is Lisa Kelly from Ice Road Truckers?


Not all woman can have children. so that statement is pretty weak. i've meet a few in my time. as usaual people forget the grey area.


yes it is. i laugh about it all the time.. people can say and write the most funnest things about each other.


like everybody says.. you can say what ya like on the internet because theres no backlash. no ones gonne fly all the way to New Zealand  to kick my butt. and im not gonna do the same.. the saying ( Its not worth it) cames in to play. so im gonna let things slide when people throw mudd. have a laugh. muppet.


I can't have children..

you not very good at reading between the lines.

and that in itself is a laugh.


come on Ciljette. wheres the come back. the i take no B shit. take a shot. i can handle a girly slap from the likes of you.Cool


I prefer to just appreciate the opposite sex whenever possible, instead of trying to psychoanalize which one is someone how superior in any manner. Doing anything else would be like going to the art museum to determine what I don't like instead of what I appreciate.

Goddess-Ishtar wrote:

like everybody says.. you can say what ya like on the internet because theres no backlash. no ones gonne fly all the way to New Zealand  to kick my butt. and im not gonna do the same.. the saying ( Its not worth it) cames in to play. so im gonna let things slide when people throw mudd. have a laugh. muppet.

My rule is, I won't drive for more than 2 hrs one way...

joeydvivre wrote:

"More feminist sycophantism"

Pretty pathetic too.  This guy posts the old tired "Yeah, well women give borth and you don't" bullshit, get's ignored and then posts it again. Around here the rate of epidurals in child birth is 90%.  Awesome display of strength.

My wife did it the old fashion way, I thought it was gonna kill her. I almost grabbed the doctor and said what the hell is wrong with you? Can't you see it won't fit? Your gonna have to cut her.... but I chose to bite my tongue and trust her thousands of deliveries worth of experience, to my none...

joeydvivre wrote:

"More feminist sycophantism"

Pretty pathetic too.  This guy posts the old tired "Yeah, well women give borth and you don't" bullshit, get's ignored and then posts it again. Around here the rate of epidurals in child birth is 90%.  Awesome display of strength.

Sorry Joey I'll leave.


first it was the men starting stuff and now it's the women, I guess we're not different in that respect


Hey, if it weren't for all the differences - then we'd be all the same!  Think about it - I did all the time back in the 70's when all my smokes came from Mexico in a plastic baggie.


Different is certainly a good thing, but when it comes to chess, we are on equal ground I believe


I don't know.....women have been pushing me around the board for quite some time know.  I would like things to be a little more equal just for once maybe........somehow


do you mean that literally or are you talking about relationships? because all women seem to want a man that takes charge, but then they want us to act sensitive and caring. That's what confuses me the most about women, why do they act like they want to date a wimp and then turn around and need a strong man. I'll tell you why, they don't know what they really want, they only know what they want at a particular moment. Therefore, in order to satisfy a women you must be one or the other at any given time, or both at once. either way, it gets too exausting to play that game for too long, I'd rather just get into an arguement for not being what she wants me to be and then pretend to apologize afterward.


When you understand women, then you will also understand chess.  Keep me updated on your progress.  As to your question "Do you mean that literally or just in relationships?" The answer is "yes."

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