
Stockfish is very weak, 10 New methods to beat Engines.


After playing chess for 10 years and analyzing stockfish's game play for 10 years . I have found a lot of methods to beat 3500 rated stockfish.


I played vs 3500 rated SF, in a 100 games match. I won 99, drew 1, 0 lose.

I calculated my rating and got a whooping

4420! rating.


There are 10 secrets. PM me for each secret for US$1000. ( You MUST agreed to terms and conditions before buying my intellectual properties. They are for your personal use only. Sharing or redistribution of my intellectual properties may lead legal consequences)


I'll give two secrets for free. A club, and pull the plug...

Oh, and a bonus freebie - infinite takebacks.


Play 1.g4 and it will resign like "komputers" do

EscherehcsE hat geschrieben:

I'll give two secrets for free. A club, and pull the plug...

Oh, and a bonus freebie - infinite takebacks.

Long time no see sir. 


DrBoss you are so funny....not.




Well, Parody to someone who claim like that. I think my claim is better. tongue.png


I,ve heard that te method to beat engines is avoiding tactical positions, just choose a positional opening and keep the position as close as possible. Is it true?

mecuelgalapieza wrote:

I,ve heard that te method to beat engines is avoiding tactical positions, just choose a positional opening and keep the position as close as possible. Is it true?

It was true. It isn't anymore.

EscherehcsE wrote:

I'll give two secrets for free. A club, and pull the plug...

Oh, and a bonus freebie - infinite takebacks.

 See, this guy knows what he's talking about. Infinite takebacks are the key!


I thought after 50 takebacks the game is a draw.

camter wrote:

I thought after 50 takebacks the game is a draw.

That’s right

Shut up and take my money! Where's that dotted line?

Secret #1: Never make a move until you have calculated 40 ply deep.

Secret #2: If you are so weak you can't calculate 40 ply deep, pull the plug. It will lose on time.

Secret #3: If it is a laptop and so has a battery, smash the laptop and put it on a desktop instead.

Secret #4: If you don't own a desktop, learn to spend your money more wisely.

drmrboss wrote:

After playing chess for 10 years and analyzing stockfish's game play for 10 years . I have found a lot of methods to beat 3500 rated stockfish.


I played vs 3500 rated SF, in a 100 games match. I won 99, drew 1, 0 lose.

I calculated my rating and got a whooping

4420! rating.


There are 10 secrets. PM me for each secret for US$1000. ( You MUST agreed to terms and conditions before buying my intellectual properties. They are for your personal use only. Sharing or redistribution of my intellectual properties may lead legal consequences)

you're lying. None of you're rating are higher than 3000


and by the way, the prices for each secret is TOO expensive. Also if you did reach 4420, you probably did it by cheating and that doesn't mean anything.



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