
what do u think is the quickist way to win


Deleted mod KS


My friend. I would humbly request that you lower the tone in which you speak in, as you are in the wrong. We have played a total of 2 times. I have won both. The first was by a scholar's mate. That is indeed bad for a 400 Elo player. So please, humble yourself my dear friend, and in future, please ensure that you speak from the truth and nothing but the truth when there is a conversation about the conclusions of our chess games. Thank you for your time, Mr sourskittles432. And please, please don't EVER call one a 'Bomboclaat'. Such language will NOT be tolerated by me, and in future, only I can call you such abhorrent names. Thank You.

sourskittles432 wrote:

so please follow me and usman tair for more awsome daily content and reccomend to all ur friends

he trying to get fame on 😭

praying for you lil homie 🙏

U should try YouTube or something like that u might get fame from that

thanks btw i have got a youtube channel


its called Deleted mod KS sooo pls sub and like the videos if u want but it will be highly appreciated


If there was a fast way to win, chess wouldn't be worth playing.

Chess is SUPPOSED to be a struggle.