
what’s the average IQ of a regular chess player

thegamerl wrote:
thegamerl wrote:
Title please help
Btw Magnus Carlsons IQ is 190

Nope. He’s never taken a test. Estimates based on his chess skill are rooted in questionable assumptions—essentially estimates of other players’ IQs based on the same assumptions. If you are smart, chances are you don’t play much chess.

Average chess player IQ is 95.

I looked it up it says his it is 190

     When and where did Carlsen take an IQ test and score 190? The sources that claim his IQ is 190 admit he has never taken an IQ test but claim "a value of 190 would be a decent guess". A guess based on zero evidence is worth zero. Many similar guesses for Kasparov's IQ put it at 180-190; then he publicly took an IQ test and scored 135. Hikaru Nakamura was "estimated" to have a similar super-genius IQ but took a (not too extensive) online test and scored 102. 

     All these guesses and estimates start with the idea that world-class chess talent must be the product of a high IQ: the conclusion comes first and is trumpeted as "fact" despite the lack of evidence, and actual evidence to the contrary is explained away as an aberration.


Well-said, @mpaetz. Clear and accurate. 


     "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt"--Abraham Lincoln

mpaetz wrote:

     "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt"--Abraham Lincoln

Lincoln never said that. Nor did Mark Twain. 

My father, however, said it many times. 



k man


From how stupid I and my irl chess friends are, I'd say it's around 70.


IQ rating doesn't make you a great player . . .

If you have Spatial intelligence is more important for chess plagers. . . .

I used to have quick analytical abilities when i was young but at 85 

I'm losing many things . . . 



Likely the IQ of an average chess player is about the same as a college graduate, around 115.

Deadmanparty wrote:

Likely the IQ of an average chess player is about the same as a college graduate, around 115.

Likely lower. Most college graduates have passed tests. Most chess players are below average in chess skill.

Ziryab wrote:
Deadmanparty wrote:

Likely the IQ of an average chess player is about the same as a college graduate, around 115.

Likely lower. Most college graduates have passed tests. Most chess players are below average in chess skill.

Most means better than nearly half.


I think you misunderstood.  I said nearly half.  If 51 percent have an IQ of 115 or higher, I would be right.  51 percent is larger than 49, nearly half.

thegamerl wrote:
I looked it up it says his it is 190

"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." - Thomas Edison, the man who invented gravity

IronSteam1 wrote:
thegamerl wrote:
I looked it up it says his it is 190

"Don't believe everything you read on the internet." - Thomas Edison, the man who invented gravity



" I didn't say all these things " ~ Sun Tzu - Art of War


Just because you play chess doesn't mean you have a higher IQ. If the average IQ is 100, the average for chess players would be about the same.

Ziryab wrote:
Deadmanparty wrote:

I think you misunderstood.  I said nearly half.  If 51 percent have an IQ of 115 or higher, I would be right.  51 percent is larger than 49, nearly half.

I understood perfectly that you are spewing nonsense.

I said, “most chess players are below average in chess skill.” In reply, your sentence was nonsensical: “most means better than nearly half”. I reiterated the meaning of “most” as I used it.

Your assumption (the statement that follows “if”) is wrong. The only group on earth where 51% have an IQ above 115 is Nobel Laureates. Maybe not even that exclusive high achieving group. In the population at large, 15% of people are above 115.

I said one thing, you said something totally different.  Not sure why you are attempting to change the subject to try to say I am wrong.

I am certainly incorrect in your own mind, but it is quite likely you are simply in error.  Maybe you are not as smart and well educated as you believe yourself to be.


Let me help you...It is an error to believe that people randomly play chess.  People who are interested in the game are not normal.  Most people have no interest in chess.

Deadmanparty wrote:
Ziryab wrote:
Deadmanparty wrote:

I think you misunderstood.  I said nearly half.  If 51 percent have an IQ of 115 or higher, I would be right.  51 percent is larger than 49, nearly half.

I understood perfectly that you are spewing nonsense.

I said, “most chess players are below average in chess skill.” In reply, your sentence was nonsensical: “most means better than nearly half”. I reiterated the meaning of “most” as I used it.

Your assumption (the statement that follows “if”) is wrong. The only group on earth where 51% have an IQ above 115 is Nobel Laureates. Maybe not even that exclusive high achieving group. In the population at large, 15% of people are above 115.

I said one thing, you said something totally different.  Not sure why you are attempting to change the subject to try to say I am wrong.

I am certainly incorrect in your own mind, but it is quite likely you are simply in error.  Maybe you are not as smart and well educated as you believe yourself to be.

I’m wasting my time responding to you.

Read this post again while sober. Try to make sense of your impertinence.



chessuser999 wrote:
Ziryab wrote:
mpaetz wrote:

     "It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt"--Abraham Lincoln

Lincoln never said that. Nor did Mark Twain. 

My father, however, said it many times. 

The Bible also says it.

"Even a fool is considered wise if he keeps silent, and discerning when he holds his tongue." (Proverbs 17:28)

Read the link. You’re not adding anything that isn’t there.


Yes, I question your assumptions you say waisting your time.


Really, you did not even bother defining what a chess player is.  Do we define it as anyone who has ever attempted playing the game once?


Personally I believe that would be an error.  Face it, you are an arrogant self righteous kid.