
AlphaGo's the end of human's Domination in Go (weiqi)


AlphaGo is an engine that beat...crushed European Go Champion 5-0 with normal time control and NO handicap

In March they will be a 5 game Match against one of the top players in the world maybe the Top Lee Sedol

Like Kasparov vs Deep blue match

They will be live Broadcast


In big win for AI, Google computer AlphaGo defeats legendary Go player

I don't know how to play Go but this is pretty big news isn't it? The machine has just beaten one of the world's top Go masters in game 1 out of 5. This is like Kasparov vs Deep Blue all over again.

Livefeed of all five games on youtube (see the article). I think I'll go over the first game and see what it's all about!

Just found out about this AI project from Google.

Another very interesting example of machine learning.

Beating a human world champion at Go is a pretty significant AI milestone.


Lee won game four although he has lost the match

One thing I found very interesting - Fan Hui, one of the Go experts advising the project, found that his own standing went up because of his involvement, from 633 in the world to in the 300's.

People have been playing Go for thousands of years, much longer than chess, but it sounds as though in some ways the play is intuitive or ritualized, and the computer is teaching everyone new ways of seeing