
If the universe requires a creator then the creator should require a creator = religion is made-up

17rileyc wrote:

Calling all religious people dumb is stereotyping. It's like calling all Atheists close-minded.

Can you show me where I mentioned "all" in my posts? Thanks!


You said religious people are dumb. The "all" is implied. If I said, "I don't play Uno with Mexicans. They steal all the green cards," you can rightly assume that is a racist statement and that it is stereotypical.

Rosheen-Dove wrote:

how does anyone stick a brain dead troll ? tracking off.


17rileyc wrote:

You said religious people are dumb. The "all" is implied. If I said, "I don't play Uno with Mexicans. They steal all the green cards," you can rightly assume that is a racist statement and that it is stereotypical.

I implied it was those that said such comments!

Rosheen-Dove wrote:

how does anyone stick a brain dead troll ? tracking off.

Come back when you can tell us what we are suppose to think about those things that we haven't discovered.    LOL!!!!! our entertainment is gone. We will just have to wait for another to come along!


for instance who came first n the earth ? hen,egg ?

good answer could be chicken , but I don't dare to post correct answer.

Rosheen-Dove wrote:

do atheists not realize how dumb it is to totally dismiss something they have failed to discover with their precious science ? go Lola! kick ass and bust them heads!

Au contraire, its basic logic to assume whatever you have no evidence of doesnt exist.

For instance, we have no evidence Spiderman exists, therefore we dont believe in him.

And this is for good reason. It is impossibe to proove that someting doesnt exist. You would have to scan every molecule in the universe simultaneously, in every time instant from the beginning of the universe to the end, to proove that Spiderman didnt exist somewhere hidden away, or HAD existed a million years ago.

This goes for god also.

power_2_the_people wrote:

im not taking side. just found this and that; idk what it is

"The direction of evolution on the whole is toward more complex actualities, resulting from God's basic creative purpose, which is the evocation of actualities with greater and greater enjoyment. [. . . .] To maximize beauty is to maximize enjoyment. God's purpose, then, can be described as the aim toward maximizing either beauty or enjoyment. It is on the basis of these criteria of intrinsic value that the evolutionary process can be viewed as in part a product of divine providence." — John B. Cobb, Jr. and David Ray Griffin
Process Theology: An Introductory Expositi


Elaine Morgan says we evolved from aquatic apes


The evolving story of human evolution | Melanie Chang | TEDxVictoria


The shift from Darwinian to bioengineered evolution: Paul Wolpe at TEDxPeachtree


Where did God come from? What do the bible stories really tell us? Who or what was Jesus Christ? This book challenges everything we think we know about the nature of religion. • The ancient fertility cult at the heart of Christianity • The living power of cultic rites and symbols • The sacred mushroom as the emblem and embodiment of divinity • The secret meaning of biblical myths • The language of religion that links us to our ancestors The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross sets out John Allegro's quest through a family tree of languages to find the truth about where Christianity came from.

Ahh, I had problems understanding your tentative comments as well :)

I think you'd like Stephen Jay Gould a lot. He's evolutionist, Catholic, leftwing, and extremely bright, well-read and writes very well. And interesting combination.


for instance who came first n the earth ? hen,egg ?

good answer could be chicken , but I don't dare to post correct answer.

I posted the answer much earlier in the thread.

If you ask, "Which came first, the chicken or the chicken egg".......then the answer is:  CHICKEN because a chicken egg can only come from a chicken, so the chicken must have come first.

If you ask, "which came first, the chicken or the egg"...........then the answer is:  EGG because dinosaurs laid eggs and lived before chickens.

Rosheen-Dove wrote:

if you don't know you just don't know. you can try to find out.


So there is this atheist sitting alone in a dark room.

Someone opens the door and turns on the light.

Atheist screams "turn off that freaking light!! yer blinding me ya big ejit!"

Your strange little story doesn't apply to me or, as far as I am aware, to any atheist. Most atheists I have ever come across seem to be very curious about the universe in which they live so, for them, the more light the better! As an atheist I would be VERY interested if someone proposed some strong grounds for asserting the existence of a god or gods but, in my experience, no-one has come up with anything yet that even gets close to finding such grounds and, believe me, I've heard them all!    


dpsholder writes “ our entertainment is gone. We will just have to wait for another to come along!”


So, you find this entertaining. So do I though admittedly serious entertainment not comic entertainment. Can I count on you not to try to argue by casting insults or pontificating on the grounds that all biological knowledge has been uniformly accepted by all biologists and anyone else is not a biologist? I want dpsholder and alex-rodriguez and any other reader to participate. The two I have mentioned were selected because throughout this forum they seem most likely to represent the position of mainstream academia on evolution. Let’s start with this: Here is a picture of a rock –


  and an artifact -



Now, let’s say we go off onto another planet and we find both of these objects. We would probably be justified in thinking that this rock was formed by natural geologic processes that existed on this planet and there would be no reason to suppose that someone or something went out of their way to create it. On the other hand, when examining the other object we would be justified in supposing that someone or something made that object even though it was far less diverse in atomic or molecular content. We could then begin looking around that planet to find some way of producing that object. An intelligent being that existed and has now vanished or a being that is totally hidden from us or an extra planetary visitor that has come and gone. In any case we would not give up on the expectation of discovering its (the artifact’s) creator.


Let’s stop here and see what your comments are so far. . .


Statistics show that the probability of humans being formed by chance is so low that it is well past what most scientists consider impossible.


Actually, most Christians believe that magic is a construct of the Devil.


alex-rodriguez wrote:

17rileyc wrote:

Statistics show that the probability of humans being formed by chance is so low that it is well past what most scientists consider impossible.

Besides the fact you're lying, we know the development of the human ape species was natural and we know it wasn't by chance. Natural selection is not chance. This is one of the most basic facts of biology. Natural selection of what works is not chance. Children understand this stuff but the god-soaked can't understand anything.

If the god-soaked spent some time studying science instead of lying about it and lying about scientists then they might learn something. But they go way out of their way to know nothing. To defend their ignorance they copy and paste dishonest bullsh!t.

So now you are resorting to calling facts that you do not believe "lies?" Tell me more about how enlightened you are in the field of science.


don't worry those who have trouble understanding.


Between what I think, 

What I want to say,

What I believe I’m saying,

What I say,

What you want to hear,

What you hear,

What you believe you understand,

What you want to understand,

And what you understood,

There are at least nine possibilities for misunderstanding.

Francois Garagnon, French jurist



alex-rodriguez wrote:

Your magical fantasies are not facts. You people are a waste of time.

What do you mean we people? If we are a waste of time, then why do you bother responding to posts?


alex-rodriguez wrote:

17rileyc wrote:

Actually, most Christians believe that magic is a construct of the Devil.

Actually when Christians deny they believe in magic they are lying to everyone including themselves. God make people out of nothing. That's one heck of a magic trick. It's pointless and dishonest to deny it.

No, I think that magic is considered to be spiritism by Christians, which is a demonic power. The creation of everything is not considered to be magical, but more like construction of a building. Just like a house, everything had to have come into existence through being designed, not randomly originating from nothingness.


alex-rodriguez wrote:

Some people here are adults. Not everyone is a child or acts like a child.

I hope you are a child. If you are an adult I would be very disappointed with society...

gopher_the_throat wrote:

dpsholder writes “ our entertainment is gone. We will just have to wait for another to come along!”


So, you find this entertaining. So do I though admittedly serious entertainment not comic entertainment. Can I count on you not to try to argue by casting insults or pontificating on the grounds that all biological knowledge has been uniformly accepted by all biologists and anyone else is not a biologist? I want dpsholder and alex-rodriguez and any other reader to participate. The two I have mentioned were selected because throughout this forum they seem most likely to represent the position of mainstream academia on evolution. Let’s start with this: Here is a picture of a rock –



  and an artifact -




Now, let’s say we go off onto another planet and we find both of these objects. We would probably be justified in thinking that this rock was formed by natural geologic processes that existed on this planet and there would be no reason to suppose that someone or something went out of their way to create it. On the other hand, when examining the other object we would be justified in supposing that someone or something made that object even though it was far less diverse in atomic or molecular content. We could then begin looking around that planet to find some way of producing that object. An intelligent being that existed and has now vanished or a being that is totally hidden from us or an extra planetary visitor that has come and gone. In any case we would not give up on the expectation of discovering its (the artifact’s) creator.


Let’s stop here and see what your comments are so far. . .

Go read the Blind Watchmaker........because that is essentially the same argument that you are making, except you are using an artifact.


alex - These people are trying to justify the existence of their magic god fairy.

Isn't this a rather broad generalization based on no factual details. I and many like me do not suggest magic or fairies. It is you who are suggesting that. Are you unable to respond directly to my last post? Are you just trying to confuse issues by casting aspersions? That doesn't work in science.

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