If yes is no and once is never, how many sides does a triangle have?
me, u, fluffy
Great answer, but unfortunately, you are wrong
whyy we're the perfec set of bestiesss
Not the answer I'm looking for
That is
Riddle me this: why is your pfp my Best friend kcccool?
gosh i miss kcccool so much she was awesome :[
and ive never even met her
If I was ever to marry, it woulda been 'er
It woulda been 'er 😭
thought you were best friends ? 🤨
Maybe it could have blossomed into something more beautiful
im sure you guys would have gotten married if not for her dissapearance
A triangle has five sides. It has three sides and a front and a back.
But close
If yes is no and once is never, how many sides does a triangle have?