
Worm Is Still Alive !!!



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10/3/12 @ 4:48 PM

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Dear Lauri,

Thank you for checking on me my friend, I'm OK for now, just having some issues..

After the turmoil increased in my area, I joined the Free Syrian Army to fight against the regime. I'm not going through details here because it's horrible, but the situation here is very bad, and the war destroyed larg areas of the city. People are getting killed every day, and who don't get killed, had to leave thier houses to live in schools and public parks!! Can you think of how is it like to live in a park?!
But don't worry about us, we will fight till the last breath, cos for us, it's either victory or death. No gray area. We control larg pieces of the city and progressing every day.

I just wanted to thank you and to reassures you that I'm yet alive, but not sure for how long.. You have a kind heart, so take care of your self and stop worrying about me, life does not go the way we want it to all the time.

Have a good day my friend,
Kind regards.


A hero.. chapeau!


Re: Worm Is Still Alive !!!

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10/3/12 @ 6:45 PM

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Thank you very much my friend for your care.
If you are interested, I have created a forum a while ago about the truth of the Syrian revolution, it explains why it is happening, and why nobody isn't doing anything about it.

But it requires that you join Open Discussion, because prevented me from discussing politics in open forums.

Thank you again, and have a good day.


thanks for letting us know ...

I hold my fingers crossed for him to get out of this alive ...

and I'm still ashamed that our governments does not do anything about the situation there ...


That puts our little problems into perspective.

Wishing you all the best,  Graveworm (even that sounds silly).


Greetings, how is Worm holding on?


 Last Login: 12/12/12    Undecided  

Bennica wrote:

Greetings, how is Worm holding on?

Holding till the end..


Good Luck, Worm !     Smile

Do not forget to secure Your "King".     Wink


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