
Auto-Unfollow locked threads


Please allow auto-unfollow of locked threads, or at least offer the option to unfollow locked threads.

Right now thats not possible. Its locked, it stays in your followed thread list forever.


I agree with this idea.


Thank you so much for your feedback @MariasWhiteKnight, we truly appreciate you taking the time to share it.

In case you would like to elaborate a bit further on this specific scenario, were there any particular issues that have arisen from following locked threads?

I'd assume you would only get a notification one last time since the thread is then locked, and after clearing it you wouldn't get any other notifications on it, that's why I'm trying to understand it just in case I'm missing any further details.

Wind wrote:

...I'd assume you would only get a notification one last time since the thread is then locked, and after clearing it you wouldn't get any other notifications on it, that's why I'm trying to understand it just in case I'm missing any further details.

I think they just don't like having the thread listed in their "Following" section as it takes up space from threads they actually want to keep following or not.

Vocaloid39 wrote:
Wind wrote:

...I'd assume you would only get a notification one last time since the thread is then locked, and after clearing it you wouldn't get any other notifications on it, that's why I'm trying to understand it just in case I'm missing any further details.

I think they just don't like having the thread listed in their "Following" section as it takes up space from threads they actually want to keep following or not.

Oh that makes sense happy.png


Yes exactly I try to clean up my followed threads and I cant remove those which are locked.