
22 min

The Ideas Behind Planning

IM TigerLilov
| Dec 29, 2009

FM Lilov gives us more insight into the thought process that should go into making a plan, and prosecuting it. He takes as his inspiration a stunning, ground-breaking plan of Bobby Fischer's, but manages to make this...

23 min

An OTB Novelty

GM Shankland
| Dec 28, 2009

IM Shankland talks about how one should and should not respond to a surprising move in the opening. Taking an example from his recent tournament practice, he talks about his attitude, thought process, and time managem...

28 min

Concepts in the Grand Prix Attack 1

GM GMMelik
| Dec 26, 2009

GM Khachiyan shares his deep understanding of the ideas behind the grand prix attack in the sicilian. For example, he talks about the difference between Bb5 and Bc4. This lesson will give you great insight into the gr...

19 min

Positional Operations: Regrouping

IM TigerLilov
| Dec 22, 2009

In this video FM Lilov tackles another important practical skill: regrouping. Sometimes terribly placed pieces warn us that we should improve them; this is not the case here. What FM Lilov wants to alert us to is that...

28 min

Believing in Logic

GM GMMelik
| Dec 21, 2009

GM Khachiyan gives an important lesson about the importance of having a sense of the logic of a game. Believing in your own idea and moves, following a logical strand straight through, is an important part of a profes...

25 min

Sicilian Methods; e5 Push for White II

GM GMMelik
| Dec 17, 2009

GM Khachiyan shows another game of his employing the e5 break for white in the d6-e6 Sicilian structure. But this game also carries a very important lesson for middlegame play: the supremacy of minor pieces over major...

20 min

Overcoming Adversity in Chess

GM Shankland
| Dec 15, 2009

IM Shankland, recently returned from a tour of high-level European tournaments, has a wealth of material to study-- and lessons to share with us. Here he looks at a game against a strong Hungarian Grandmaster, in whic...

32 min

Conquering Cochrane Concepts 3

IM dpruess
| Dec 11, 2009

IM Pruess goes over the lessons learned from playing through several Cochrane games, highlighting all the important concepts. Then he presents his own Cochrane game from tournament play. If you don't feel ready to try...

20 min

Sicilian Methods; e5 Push for White

GM GMMelik
| Dec 10, 2009

GM Khachiyan shares another tournament game of his to illustrate the great impact of the e4-e5 push in the sicilian. He clearly explains the reasons for moves in this line, for example, why would black develop their q...

23 min

Isolated Queen Pawns: The Majors

IM DanielRensch
| Dec 7, 2009

FM/IM Rensch strips the board down further, leaving only a queen and rook each. Now most all the dynamic chances of the player holding the isolated queen pawn are gone-- but can his opponent capitalize on the single w...

20 min

Live Sessions; One Move at a Time 4

FM Charlie101
| Dec 4, 2009

Charles is at it again, beating up on lower rated players for the enjoyment of the audience. Actually, he'll teach you some important concepts about the importance of establishing control in the center in th...

18 min

Positional Operations; Strengthening

IM TigerLilov
| Dec 3, 2009

FM Lilov is back, with some important advice for us. Here he reminds us of the importance of making consistent small improvements to our position, even showing how this approach can be more useful in king-hunting than...

Conquering Cochrane Concepts 2
20 min

Conquering Cochrane Concepts 2

IM dpruess
| Dec 2, 2009

IM David Pruess analyzes an instructive game of GM Sarunas Sulskis, the top Cochrane Gambit player, as well as a couple other game fragments showing key early ideas. We get to see both the struggle for central control...

32 min

Breaking Basic Rules in the Middlegame

| Nov 27, 2009

GM Dzindzichashvili devotes a lot of his lectures to teaching the principles, foundations and rules of chess. Now Roman is going to teach you when to break them or how GM’s thinking turns the rules upside down....

38 min

Live Sessions; One Move at a Time 3

FM Charlie101
| Nov 26, 2009

FM Galofre gives us another live session. In this one, his opponent plays a couple moves in the opening that seem to lose time, so FM Galofre observes, it's no longer clear who is white and who is black. Emboldened he...

35 min

Conquering Cochrane Concepts

IM dpruess
| Nov 25, 2009

IM Pruess shares his own learning process with the viewers. In three parts he goes over how he studied the Cochrane, explaining the concepts and ideas he absorbed. You, too, may find this "complicated" opening crystal...