ChessDweeb's Blog

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American Presidents and Chess

American Presidents and Chess

| Oct 21, 2007

I am sure that Batgirl knows this information inside and out. But to us chess players and non-chess historians this is different. I found this article to be interesting enough to share with all of you. Enjoy! (Picture from MSN Encarta)  ...

Fischer vs Petrosian - The One Hit Blunder!

Fischer vs Petrosian - The One Hit Blunder!

| Oct 20, 2007

Fischer had a slight advantage throughout the game but nothing that would have caused Petrosian to lose drawing chances. Then on move 33 Petrosian got greedy and thought he won a pawn and possibly a second, only to realize that he just g...

Bobby Fischer - Castle Or Else...I'll Submit You!

Bobby Fischer - Castle Or Else...I'll Submit You!

| Oct 12, 2007

Goldhammer - Fischer, Robert James This is classic Fischer. His opponent totally drops the ball and gets creamed. Who does he think he is, not castling against the best player on the planet? I tried to find out why he didn't castle when he ha...

Can You Improve Your Analysis? #1

Can You Improve Your Analysis? #1

| Oct 10, 2007

I have decided to scrounge up annotated games wherever I can find them with the purpose of proving the annotator right or wrong. I think this will be a healthy way to improve our game analysis. Let's give this a serious go starting with t...

What Makes Chess Great?

What Makes Chess Great?

| Oct 6, 2007

Chess is a lifelong endeavor. I play it because unlike most other games, it's not a game of chance. It's just you against an opponent. Granted, you may get lucky if he makes a mistake, but it is up to you to take advantage of the mistake. ...

Kasparov Toppled by Topalov in 30 Moves!

Kasparov Toppled by Topalov in 30 Moves!

| Sep 30, 2007

Just when everybody thought that Garry Kasparov was unbeatable, he gets toppled by Veselin Topalov. The interesting thing about this game is that Kasparov makes a sour trade of Queens which throws the game away.  

Fischer vs Byrne "Game of the Century"

Fischer vs Byrne "Game of the Century"

| Sep 28, 2007

I'm not sure if this game has been posted before. I searched the blogs but couldn't find it. However, even if it was, it's worth posting again. Fischer at 13 SHOOK THE WORLD! I can't take credit for the annotation. I found the art...

Why do people claim that chess is art?

Why do people claim that chess is art?

| Sep 25, 2007

Here's a quote from the Washington Post Monday, September 17, 2007; Page C10 "Chess is an art and should be played in a creative way," opined Czech President Vaclav Klaus during his visit to the Czech Coal Carlsbad tournament, played...

Strategy vs Tactics - Which is more important?

Strategy vs Tactics - Which is more important?

| Sep 22, 2007

Okay, I know just about everybody is going to say "chess is 99% tactics" right? Well, here's a good one for you! I have a chess friend that can solve every tactic in Fred Reinfeld's 1001 tactics book at an impressive pace. Just f...

How Personal is Your Handle?

How Personal is Your Handle?

| Sep 19, 2007

I play chess at many different sites and handles never cease to amaze me. Whatever you do, don't make fun of people's handles. I told one guy that I thought his was a little strange and I still get messages from his periodically. His handl...

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