
Sokolsky/Polish Opening (1.b4) - Sokolsky Gambit (Declined)

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  >>Main article: Sokolsky/Polish Opening (1.b4). Basic Opening Theory.<<

After 1. b4 e5 2. Bb2 f6 3. e4 (the Sokolsky Gambit) Black can decline the gambit and play one of the following continuations: 3... d5 (more popular), 3... Ne7, 3... c6, 3... d6, 3... Nh6, 3... g6 and 3... b5?!. As a result the Sokolsky Gambit (Declined) set-up occures. Below will be given a detailed analysis of each option. 

I. 3... d5 - a very solid response and Black's second choice after 3... Bxb4. White should play vigorously after this move, otherwise he risks to lose the initiative

II. 3... Ne7 a reasonable decision. By declining the gambit Black is preparing a counter-strike in the center - d7-d5:

Other variants are relatively unpopular.

III. 3... c6: 

IV. 3... d6:

V. 3... Nh6:

VI. 3... g6:

VII. 3... b5?!:

Anyway accepting the gambit with 3... Bxb4 remains more popular than declining it.

>>Main article: Sokolsky/Polish Opening (1.b4). Basic Opening Theory.<<

More about the Sokolsky:
Exchange variation

Czech Defense

Outflank Variation
Main Line

Baltic Defense
King's Indian Variation

German Defense
Ware Defense
Bugayev Advance Variation
Sokolsky Gambit (Accepted)

Queen's Indian Variation
Dutch Defense

Advance Variation
Birmingham Gambit
Symmetrical Variation
Grigorian Variation