
Sokolsky/Polish Opening (1.b4) - Sokolsky Gambit (Accepted)

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>>Main article: Sokolsky/Polish Opening (1.b4). Basic Opening Theory.<<

The Sokolsky Gambit (also known as the Tartakower Gambit) is the most theoretical and complicated line in the 1. b4 opening as well as the sharpest one!

The initial position of the Sokolsky Gambit (Accepted) occures after the following sequence of moves:

3. e4 - White neglects the hanging b4 pawn offering a gambit. This is a promising gambit. White doesn't allow Black to build a strong pawn center with a d7-d5 move and hopes to take advantage of Black's weakened kingside.
4. Bc4 hinders the opponent's short castle and fast development.

As a result White gains long-lasting initiative and Black will have a hard time defending his king.

Classical Theory singles out three main continuations depending on Black's fourth move.

I. 4... Ne7 - with the idea of advancing a d-pawn:

II. 4... Nc6 - considered to be the best choice for Black:

III. 4... Qe7 - choose this response for Black if you don't mind sitting the whole game in a deep (yet very safe) trench Smile:

P.S. The Sokolsky Gambit perfectly suits attacking players! I think this variation can become a good weapon in blitz and rapid live chess games against players who avoid the Exchange variation and the Czech Defense and prefer to defend the e5 pawn with a conservative 2... f6 Cool

>>Main article: Sokolsky/Polish Opening (1.b4). Basic Opening Theory.<<

More about the Sokolsky:
Exchange variation

Czech Defense

Outflank Variation
Main Line

Baltic Defense
King's Indian Variation

German Defense
Ware Defense
Bugayev Advance Variation
Sokolsky Gambit (Declined)
Queen's Indian Variation
Dutch Defense

Advance Variation
Birmingham Gambit
Symmetrical Variation
Grigorian Variation