
Sarcasm? It's hard to tell...


Here on, there are people from all over the world, me being American, and therefore supremely sarcastic am usually inclined to believe some one is being sarcastic when they say something fairly stupid. But... Some people here are dead serious, and some just don't get sarcasm at all... (Typically not American)

One thing I find amusing is to read through threads and try to pick out sarcasm. See below:

Is this author being facetious? or does he really believe this stuff?

If you find a similar sarcastic/serious thread, post it here and we can vote on whether or not these guys are serious!

happy hunting! 


C'mon, you're too young to be supremely sarcastic. Smile


Oh I'm the worst trust me...

The thread posted above made me laugh to tears!


I'm pretty sure Ubik was being sarcastic to make fun of Peter, and Peter's either an idiot, or trolling (which I suppose is closer to sarcasm than it is to being serious)


"Some people here are dead serious, and some just don't get sarcasm at all... (Typically not American)"

Hehe, careful.  I had a Chinese instructor inform me that the Chinese invented sarcasm and how that was related to the fact that Americans generally don't understand sarcasm at all.  I replied with a sarcastic remark to be funny and comically he thought I was serious...

I think it's just cultural / language barriers.  Don't be so quick to assume someone from another culture / language is stupid :)  But I guess if all you meant was they didn't catch the sarcasm that's fine :p


Afeter a while I realized peter was dead serioius... but right of the bat I would have sworn he was joking...


No that was just more sarcasm.


@Waffle, yes I'm sure all cultures have a little sarcasm. It's just Omnipresent here in America. I once posted something so obviously sarcastic that I laughed when people though i was serious. Then a guy accused me of lying... So funny...


@ivandh, you think Peter was joking the whole time?

waffllemaster wrote:

I had a Chinese instructor inform me that the Chinese invented sarcasm...


The proof of that being that the injunction "May you live in interesting times" is a curse. Smile


Another great forum of people thinking the guy was serious, but from his first post is so hard to tell:


And actually, I find that Americans are often rather denser about these matters than most.  Most clueless of all are of course (generally) the young, especially young chessplayers...who are frequently much too busy demonstrating their staggering IQ power to ever get jokes. Wink


Yeah, I'm also convinced my culture is the most sarcastic/clever/interesting.  Odd how people from other cultures don't agree.  I guess that just proves me right actually.

Sam97 wrote:

Another great forum of people thinking the guy was serious, but from his first post is so hard to tell:

For me his "I went on to win" gave it away.


Arguably the greatest recent triumph in this sphere is the following thread.  And the jury's still out:  was/is the OP kidding?  You be the judge...


Omg I just read that thread! It was epic!! Sarcasm or not, the reactions are great!


At least I feel like I can tell with reflectivist Smile

(My vote is sarcasm all the way)


You talking about reflectivist? Of couse he's serious, but it's funny from some one else I would assume he's joking lol


lol...okay, we seem to have a discrepancy already. Laughing

AndyClifton wrote:

C'mon, you're too young to be supremely sarcastic. 

No he's not! Sam Cassell is a retired basketball player.