
How to use positional advantage ?


I had very good positional advantages by the middle game in my opinion but due to lack of options i broke my pawn chain and lost the game with a few fatal mistakes. My question is , is it a good idea to throw away positional advantage for tactical one or should i try to develop on my positions ? 


guys my first annotation so there might be some mistakes , go easy on me and plz tell me me if u find more weak moves so i can understand my thought process ^^.


You're making too many pawn moves in the opening, taking 15 moves to get a third piece out is unacceptable.


I actually try to get my bishopss covering large diagonal areas and use pawns and knights to get more control of centre and take advantage with use of position . Anything wrong with my thinking..?


Well, no, in a way. But your wasting so many moves a better opponent will get their pieces out, open the centre to your king and with more pieces in play all the tactics will favour them. You just can't afford to leave your king in the centre and advance so many pawns - he has no protection.

The pawn fork was available at move 13, and I don't understand your thinking here (move 22) "didnt go well as i lost positional advantages with little tactical gains". A piece isn't a small tactical gain and completely outweighs the positional advantage you think you had.


i thought that by taking the pawn out of place the game became more open to both of us , I actually wanted a game where i dont lose pieces but just take one for none. And about the king i will address it in my next games .

Ty for commenting and helping me on my first post on my first post :)

Oran_perrett wrote:

i don't really know why you resigned here

Qe7 looks strong.


I believe at some point you have to give up on just "positional" and get right to tactics.  

orchard_littlejoe wrote:

I believe at some point you have to give up on just "positional" and get right to tactics.  

This might sound unpleasant, but that's true.

Oh, and yes : the general opening principles (never move the same piece twice, no pawn move that does not allow a bishop to get out, etc.) or the middlegame (don't throw away material for nothing, etc.) : before breaking themfor the sake of the position, which you have to do at some point, try to apply them first.


This notion of "throwing away a positional advantage for a tactical one" is rather strange, I must say.

AndyClifton wrote:

This notion of "throwing away a positional advantage for a tactical one" is rather strange, I must say.

Indeed, since that's the aim when trying to create a positional advantage.

AndyClifton wrote:

This notion of "throwing away a positional advantage for a tactical one" is rather strange, I must say.

Actually, I could understand "trading a positional advantadge for a material advantadge" (grabbing a pawn at the expense of closing an attack file, trading an outposted knight to win a pawn, etc.), but this one indeed is strange.


This game was not sophisticated either tactically or positionally on either side. In general, positional advantage is sought to create the conditions for tactics that will yield material advantage. Material advantage usually brings additional positional advantage in its wake; an extra pawn, for instance, helps you control more squares as well as having its intrinsic value as a potential future queen in the endgame. The trick is not to give up so much positional advantage in achieving material gain that it nullifies the material advantage; for example, winning an exchange but winding up in such a constricted position that the only way to free one's pieces is to sacrifice back the material gained.

Remember, the ultimate positional advantage (or tactical advantage) is checkmate.


Ty guys for comments ill post any future games i have and try to address these problems.

@Ricardo Morro , I know but what can u expect from someone who just learnt to move pieces a week back.... and Ty for ur comment ,very helpful theory.


extremely helpful, I let a checkmate chance at 27 which i missed and my queen's wrong move in the end due to me accidentaly pressing mouse was final nail in coffin.


Ty mate each of u ppls comments are helping .

@Kaan - I m gonna try to address that and about practising 3-4 days a week it is not quite possible as most of the times tho i m online i m preparing to get into college so at this point 3-4 times isnt possible but on sundays and saturdays I can give it due time and practise it.Really helpful comment.


Every pawn move creates a square it can no longer defend.

Every time you move a pawn think about the effects it has on the squares you lose control of, the lines it gives your pieces or your opponents pieces. Don't just do it to attack a piece that can move away.


This will help alot;