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so goldendog do you think the staff should do a better job of weeding out the bad coaches ? and what do think of, if any coaches want to coach someone here they should provide thier real name and thier otb (except for expert correpondance ) rating ? 

stueylee wrote:

I'll pay 500 dollars/pounds/euros if you can teach me how and when I can move my pawns backwards.

Promote them to queens, then you will be able to move backwards and other stuff too.

I accept Brazilian Real.

kco wrote:

so goldendog do you think the staff should do a better job of weeding out the bad coaches ? and what do think of, if any coaches want to coach someone here they should provide thier real name and thier otb (except for expert correpondance ) rating ? 

At the very least I'd expect staff to want to crack down on people enticing prospective students fraudulently with strength or ratings claims that can't be verified. In fact, with the "coach" in question staff placed real information of his otb achievements in his coaching profile, but "coach" then deleted his profile and then deleted the true 1300s USCF rating he had put in his profile as a result of the deleted thread.

Now he's back but the real life OTB information that staff placed in his coaching profile isn't and his USCF 1300s rating hasn't appeared either. We see he claims an "estimated" 2000 rating and other feats that don't show up in his USCF page, which I have dug up.

You'd think staff would be PO'd at him working around them in this way, but who knows. Maybe they don't care about his claims so long as he's not saying his actual rating is such and such?


I have sent a message to erik about this and this link of this thread to him. 


when I went to the coach's page, there are 510 of them atm.  


I had sent a message to staff too. I guess we'll see.


But what kind of rating does someone have to have before you would be willing to pay him five dollars to teach you... the moves and ideas of an opening?


Does anyone know-- do people set up a coaching page and then maybe get examined by, or do they first have to ask to be allowed to set up a coaching page (making one think there might be a verification or vetting process)?



I still want my R\mathrm{S}\!\!\!\Vert  500,00. I taught you when your pawns can move backwards!

And I said I accept in reais, so it is just a little more than half what you would pay if I demanded the US$ 500,00, and way less than Euro and Pounds.

heinzie wrote:

But what kind of rating does someone have to have before you would be willing to pay him five dollars to teach you... the moves and ideas of an opening?

The OP doesn't even do that.  His opening study says he assigns you the opening(s), and you tell him the advantages and disadvantages of the opening and then decide whether you like it.

As to a rating, if is basically certifying someone as a "coach" they should require some sort of verification that the person knows the slightest thing about the subject.  A sanctioned rating is one approach that's easy to verify.  Evidence of written articles, columns, analyses (and not like the one on the OP's profile page Cool ), something to indicate they know the topic and how to explain or teach it.  At least that might get rid of the quick-buck scam artists.

Cystem_Phailure wrote:

Does anyone know-- do people set up a coaching page and then maybe get examined by, or do they first have to ask to be allowed to set up a coaching page (making one think there might be a verification or vetting process)?

 I don't think that exist except for thier titled in which they have to vertified.


That actually is a mind-boggling learning experience, trying to answer the question "why do you play this move?" to a player stronger than yourself

Cystem_Phailure wrote:

Does anyone know-- do people set up a coaching page and then maybe get examined by, or do they first have to ask to be allowed to set up a coaching page (making one think there might be a verification or vetting process)?

 and also I think it would be better only the staff put the coaching profile in for the member and the member can't touch it or alter it.

goldendog wrote:

If this sounds familiar to any of you, we went through it with this one before, and set him straight on a number of things like "estimated ratings" thanks to some experienced OTBers, like NM Reb.


Oh yeah, is this the Tactics Champ?  Or is it yet another turkey from the same poultry farm?


Different fellow. Has a problem not being extraordinary it seems.


I've just pointed him in the right direction.


Looks to me like ChessKing has all the qualifications for a successful career in politics.


Especially if he looks like this:


Bill Clinton ?


Ah, I see you had a little trouble recognizing him with his clothes on.

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