
If you create a thread in the Premium Members forum...


... and later your membership expires, are you still able to post in your own thread as a free member? Just curious.


Not sure. I would assume you could, though you might have to get to it via your Manage All Content links.


I would assume you could.   You're ability to access their video lessons and tactics training is limited, not your access to the chess community.


You might consider asking the website staff, since they would have the actual answer, while the rest of us would merely be speculating. Laughing


If we're just speculating then I'm going to say no, once you've given up your privilege to post in the Premium members forum then you've also given up your access to the threads you may have created in that forum?


I think trysts is correct.


It was probably a 'Macer's the greatest troll' thread he started in the Premium section during the days when Macer was a wealthy cult-figure to aspiring trollsTongue Out


Yes  whenever you have a question, it is always more trollish to ask those who probably don't know the answer and then pass the information along.


Thanks for the responses guys! If what Martin said is correct, then I'm guessing that you can't make any new posts, but you can still edit the initial post you made as a premium member.

Really, I'm just asking this because I'm curious. I never created any threads in the Premium Members forum - guess I should have made better use of my 1 month of membership. Usually the staff are pretty likely to respond to Help & Support threads, so I figured if I asked my question here I'd get a response from a staff member sooner or later.


Staff likely to respond to the help and support forum!!

You are as trollish as they say!

