Find a Chess Club

Imaginative Space
馃崏Welcome To Imaginative Space! Currently we're a very small club but someday maybe we will get big!馃崏 馃崏You must be at least 10 years old to join馃崏 ...
Chess is Fun Club
Hi and welcome to Chess is Fun Club! We are an active group of 700+ chess players who think that chess is fun. In this club we talk about classic ...
The Mighty 64
You are one of the lucky 30 members who get an invite to this club every day! We are a group dedicated to learning to play chess and get better...
Admin's Corner and Training Club
Admins Corner and Training Club Introduction (ACTC):聽 When applying - please tell us what clubs you are an admin in, how long you've been an admin...
Union Of Chess Masters
聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽聽 Membership Giveaway (Click after you've joined the club to be able to have access to view it) 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 聽 Chance for a Ches...
Bienvenue les pelos !
club del gambero
Tornei aperti a tutti 聽
"I wish i could tell you how i feel about you" 聽
MGIMS Chess Club
***Chess Club - MGIMS Sevagram, INDIA***
MAIT Knight's Pride
At MAIT Knight's Pride, we are dedicated to fostering a vibrant chess community within our college. Whether you're a seasoned grandmaster or just l...
Premium Members
We extend a heartfelt welcome to each and every one of you, dear chess friends.You must have a gold, platinum, or diamond membership, a FIDE titl...
Team Athens
For all chess players who were born, live, used to live, or has any sort of association to Athens, or even loving in Athens - Greece whatever their...
Bangalore Chess Club Official
Bangalore Chess Club was created with the idea of bringing together all chess enthusiasts of Bangalore city and host meetups in and around the city...
Love bughouse? Join the official club, and use this chat room to organize matches, discuss strategies, etc. Play Bughouse -> https://www.chess....
谞讘讞专转 讬砖专讗诇 讘砖讞诪讟 讞讬 Israeli chess team
驻专讜驻讬诇 讞讘专讜转 讝讛讘: 讬诪住专 讘15 讘诪讗讬!诪讜注讚讜谉 诇讬砖专讗诇讬诐 讜诇转讜诪讻讬 讬砖专讗诇' 讘诪讜注讚讜谉 注讜专讻讬诐 讟讜专谞讬专讬诐 注诐 诪讚讬谞讜转 诇讗讜诪讬讜转 讜讘讬谉 诇讗讜诪讬讜转. 讗谞讞谞讜 诪转讙诪诇讬诐 讗转 讛讞讘专讬诐 砖诇谞讜...
Keshmat Chess Center
Keshmat Chess Center, come learn and play! Open in Dekwaneh Lebanon, Wednesdays and Thursdays 5-9pm. Follow us on Instagram
Live Chess World League
This is the group for discussion and organization of the Live Chess World League,'s premier national Live Chess league that is open to Wo...
Pinoy Chess Philippines
PINOY CHESS PHILIPPINES is a group of Filipino Players who are natural born, acquired citizenship, a mixture of race living within the Philippines ...
Collegiate Chess League
The official club page for the Collegiate Chess League.聽 You can compete in our events here on our club page, watch our matches live on twitch, ca...
The Chess World Cup
This is The Chess World Cup and we will be running loads of tournaments each day. Everybody in the club will represent their country in the tourna...
BlitzGod24-The Beginning
Hi, I know this is disturbing so I will make it quick Chess Dynasty 101 is for everyone. As everyone wants to improve their game, Puzzles are one...
chesswithmra sunday tournaments
Tournament for mrA private and group class students, although everyone is welcome sundays 6:30 every once a while. 聽
A club for chess players in South Wales and beyond. There is a thriving chess community in Wales, with Gwent, East Glamorgan and West Wal...