GM_Avetik's Blog

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The 1 Thing Every Champion Has in Common

The 1 Thing Every Champion Has in Common

GM Avetik_ChessMood
| Jun 7, 2024

“In 1959, Floyd Patterson put his title on the line to fight Ingemar Johansson.  Although he trained hard for the fight, there was something missing in Patterson’s camp as the day approached. Maybe it was hunger. Maybe it w...

5 Boosters to Speed Up Your Chess Growth

5 Boosters to Speed Up Your Chess Growth

GM Avetik_ChessMood
| May 18, 2024

They didn’t have any Grandmasters. They didn’t even have an International Master.   The average rating of the team was around 2,200 and then there was this 11-year-old kid hanging around. He was about 1,600. It was the Thailand ...

In Memory of GM Karen Asrian

In Memory of GM Karen Asrian

GM Avetik_ChessMood
| Apr 25, 2024

Karpov, Kasparov, Ivanchuk, and Kramnik were playing just ten meters away from me. The 32nd Chess Olympiad was in Yerevan, Armenia. I was seven years old, and with my father, every day, we would go there to watch the games. I remember only one o...

Learn the Right Lessons From Your Mistakes

Learn the Right Lessons From Your Mistakes

GM Avetik_ChessMood
| Jan 7, 2024

Have you heard this joke? A man goes to a bar and orders a bottle of whiskey. After emptying it, he asks for another one and then one more. After the 3rd bottle, totally drunk, he decides to eat a sandwich. A few minutes later, the man, totall...

The Most Powerful Legal Drug

The Most Powerful Legal Drug

GM Avetik_ChessMood
| Nov 24, 2023

“Appreciate everything, even the ordinary. Especially the ordinary.” — Pema Chödrön A week ago, IM Eric Rosen and I were discussing (the episode comes out soon) the crucial impact of early fans and supporters. While...

Chess isn’t for the Weak

Chess isn’t for the Weak

GM Avetik_ChessMood
| Nov 13, 2023

  "Winners never quit, and quitters never win."Vince Lombardi During my life, I’ve seen so many people who stopped playing chess after their first painful defeat, and till now, over and over again, I hear stories like: “In ...

How to Use ChatGPT to Improve Your Chess

How to Use ChatGPT to Improve Your Chess

GM Avetik_ChessMood
| Nov 7, 2023

I have known this guy since my childhood. He’s the world champion and the smartest person in the world. He thinks so. He’s the world champion of arrogance. One day he finally confessed:“I’m not the smartest person anymore...

The Power of Self-Belief in Chess

The Power of Self-Belief in Chess

GM Avetik_ChessMood
| Oct 14, 2023

It was 2014 January when I learned one of the most important lessons in my life.  The Armenian Championship would start soon. The winner of the tournament would not only become the champion of Armenia but also would be qualified for the nat...

The Complete Checkmate Patterns List

The Complete Checkmate Patterns List

GM Avetik_ChessMood
| Sep 15, 2023

Recently, my friend, who is a National Master in chess, sent me the following puzzle from the Tactic Ninja course’s quiz:  And said he couldn’t solve it.Can you? The reason was clear why he couldn’t.  His tacti...

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