
I defeated an opponent with a 2050 rating. What did I not do wrong?

When I begun the game my rating was 1584. My opponent's rating 2050. Given the obvious rating difference, I played the game assuming I'd lose. Imagine my surprise when I won the game. Inasmuch as I enjoyed my triumph, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that I suppose that my opponent either didn't play seriously or has an extremely inflated rating.

your oponent just blundered and lost the exchange at the end, before that he seemed to be outplaying you.


Nice game!!!


Your lucky day, don't read too much into it.


sometimes people does mistakes. kramnik missed a mate in one against deep fritz. it doesnt mean that kramniks real rating is around 900:)

Adamperfection wrote:

why do you take pride in this game?

While I understand that my level of play is profoundly inferior to that of the average person with a 2000 rating, I'm glad I was able to survive for over 60 moves. I thought I wasn't going to make it past the opening.


In fairness, you did hang pawns at move 13 and 18, giving black a technically won game. And he continued to play it fine simply building on his two pawn advantage until his material losing blunders. I wouldn't be so giddy about giving up two pawns just so I could trade a bunch of pieces and force my opponent to take a lot of moves to beat me. In your case it worked out because he eventually blundered.


you missed mate at move 57

Loomis wrote:

In fairness, you did hang pawns at move 13 and 18, giving black a technically won game. And he continued to play it fine simply building on his two pawn advantage until his material losing blunders. I wouldn't be so giddy about giving up two pawns just so I could trade a bunch of pieces and force my opponent to take a lot of moves to beat me. In your case it worked out because he eventually blundered.

Thanks for giving me credit for coming up with such a clever stratagem to slow down the game as much as possible, but the truth is that my hanging pawns at moves 13 and 18 were blunders any person with my rating can make. My opponent, on the other hand, also made at least two blunders, which even I was able to detect. Those blunders, while very human and forgivable, are not expected from a person with a 2000 rating and certainly not while playing against a presumably vastly inferior opponent.


Natalia Pogonina talked about something similar in her article "Chess is Not Only About Winning." According to her article, performance is based on five main attributes:

1)    Chess skills
Chess shape
Physical shape 
Mental shape
Psychological shape 

Interesting way of looking at it ...


Tony what do you think about my game and my opponent's level of play?


the tyranny of success and failure!! 


I guess you decided not to give up chess. . .


You shouldn't make assumptions about someone's playing level from a single game, especially not on the Internet. People play here tired, in a bad mood, drunk etc. It is also possible that they are trying things, experimenting with new lines etc and not playing as if it were a WC match, which would be pretty logical since obviously it isn't. Let's say that you played reasonably well and somehow happened to win.


congratulations man, every game ends in a win, and sometimes the lower rated one is the winner. you won, enjoy it!!!!


What you did not do wrong, that is, what you did right: you did not give up.


You played pretty well. The higher rated player made a mistake and you won. It happens sometimes. Next time you beat someone over 2000 you won't have to start a post about it.

podge52 wrote:

you missed mate at move 57

He played as White, not Black.


You got a tough crowd here Eo.  You hung in their in a very difficult position and were able to pull it out. Nice win!  I for one like seeing upset wins.  To me its like Austin Pea beating northcarolina or duke in the 1st round of the NCAA.  thanks for sharing!


The lesson here is play the board not the man (or rating). Everybody has a bad game once in a great while. The real test is can you beat him again?