
Post your game for expert analysis


David 210, on move 11 why did you play 11.e5? (not a bad move but a question) Why not keep the pawn center so you can convert it into a favorable dynamic activity opening the position to your advantage? 

Wait, yeah maybe 11.e5 is better than 11.d5 but converting a center into activity while not always best is still worth considering especially if you're castled and they aren't. 

You missed 14.Bxh7+,Kxh7 15.Ng5+,Kg6 16.g4,Rh8 17.gxh5,Rxh5 18.Qg4 and black's king isn't safe and will need to return material to save it.  Black can probably resign here.  14...Kxh7 isn't forced and this is where problems lie. 14...Kh8 being stubborn 15.Ne4,Kxh7 16.Nfg5+,Kg6 same deal but with more attacking resources around him.  15...Bxf3 16.Qxf3,Ng6 17.Qh5 and black needs to sac the queen (via removal of the guard after 17...Qh4 18.Bxg6+) to avoid immediate mate. 

Looks like at worst you win a queen at worst by force with 14.Bxh7+,Kh8! 

15.g4 is an obvious fork, but sometimes their provoking moves are to your benefit and should gladly fall for their "tricks".  15...Nxe3 16.fxe3,Bg6 17.Bxg6,fxg6 18.Ne4 and black has a terribly bad bishop whereas you have two great knights in a closed position.  Black's weaknesses include the backward  c-pawn, isolted e-pawn  (if 18...h6 hen 19.g5! with the idea of attacking this pawn), and c5 and d6 are excellent outposts for your operations here. 

In the game 15...Nxd4 16.Bxd4,Bxf3 17.gxf3,Qxd4 18.f4 would have been roughly equal. 


The game was 30|0


I finally finished the project that's been keeping me away :).  If you want to see what I've been up to check out  

Bring on the game submissions!

30/0 or longer.  Human vs Human.  (Don't submit games where you used a computer to help your moves) I'll do as many as I can in the coming days/weeks.  


I know this is a win, but I figured that since it was a fun game I wanted to see what an expert player would think about the attack in this game.


I have a good bit of annotations, some of which explain why I decided upon the move I did.


7 months of waiting?  :D


Don't take my comments too heavily :).  Sometimes I try to be funny and fail.  Best Regards.


yeah That was actually funny especially the "lets bring his pieces closer to my king"


whats funny is that is normally the type of endgame I would loose.



Adding one of my own for 2 reasons.  1. I'm waiting on other submissions to analyze.  2. The checkmate motif made me smile on this one.


Me: 1306 after game. Opponent: 1223 after game. 3 days per move. I really thought I was winning this game and may have resigned prematurely.   

Committed gross miscalculation on move 25 with KnightF7 where I stupidly thought I was setting up a fork against his King on d8 and Rook on  h5.

Input welcome!!!



Hi DeaconBlues09.  It looks like there were a few missed opportunities in regard to tactics for both sides.  All in all though, it was a pretty nice game.


Thanks a ton Heister! I'm swamped with work, so I can't address your points individually just now. But regarding the check you propose on move 7: all he has to do is defend with his queen, and I wasnt interested in a queen swap just yet.... Am I wrong in that regard? 


If he have defended with queen you would have taken his Bishop - Qxb4


OMG, you are SO right! I think I'm gonna weep into my keybaord for an hour or so :-( 


That bishop staring down that long diagonal from A6 for the latter half the game turned out to be more powerful than my material advantage. And I never dreamed what an advantage he would obtain with his double payns when he occupied that g5 square. Locked my king in tighter than a gant's a$$


Theres no need to respond to each comment unless you think I'm really wrong about something, which does happen!  Thanks for submitting the game!


this is a really cool thing you are doing, it has helped me harness my agressive tendancies over the board.


OK here's one more. (I promise the next one will have some of my notations.)

This was played when I was about 1400 and my opponent was about 1200.


I was sure I was winning at some point and then somehow this terminated in an excruciating drawn king and pawn endgame. I think my mistake was in a single pawn push towards the end of the middle game... 

rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1
