
Chess reborn as a gambling game, like poker!


 I have often though chess would regain so much popularity if it could be converted back into a gambling game (there used to be no ratings, gentleman played each other with a handicap - for money). I once thought about maybe adding dice to randomize the number of moves allowed or somesuch - the idea being that with an element of chance a weaker player could beat a stronger player. As  along time poker player I know well that this would let weak players delude themselves into believing they can play really well. Such an innovation may bring more money into chess which would revitalize it, attracting more players. Thoughts???


People already gamble over chess games. The main forms of handicap with which I'm familiar are the better player being allowed less time or starting with fewer pieces.


That's a very bad idea,

Chess as a whole is having a very,very tough time as it is coping with cheaters bringing gambling into the mix would only aggrivate and worsen the problem gambling will attract really shady types out for the money not famillies and children.

Where's there's gambling going on and lots of money flowing organized crime follows .

samredway wrote:


 I have often though chess would regain so much popularity if it could be converted back into a gambling game (there used to be no ratings, gentleman played each other with a handicap - for money). I once thought about maybe adding dice to randomize the number of moves allowed or somesuch - the idea being that with an element of chance a weaker player could beat a stronger player. As  along time poker player I know well that this would let weak players delude themselves into believing they can play really well. Such an innovation may bring more money into chess which would revitalize it, attracting more players. Thoughts???

 Adding chance to chess would take away the heart and soul of the game. It might attract some new players, but it would kill the game for the rest of us.


playing gambit openings is like gambling


Why so many poker threads?


still haven't found out...


I gamble when I play over-the-board with my son. He is good at fast chess so we play a game where I get 5 minutes on the clock for the whole game and he gets 7 minutes.

We start out that the winner of a game gets $1.00 and my son also wins the $1.00 if he draws.

But then to make it more interesting we have "the doubling cube"

At any point, after the first 5 moves, either of us can say DOUBLE! This means the other person has to resign immediately or play for double stakes. [in this case $2.00]

After that the player who was doubled can always call REDOUBLE!

This means the game is played for $4.00 rather than $2.00!

and then the player who was redoubled can call REDOUBLEDOUBLE! and then the game is played for $8.00.  no more doubles or redoubles after that.

If you really want a competitive money stakes game--this is one way to do it.


You can't stop gambling on anything. Huge bets are made on football and baseball but anyone involved with the game are strictly forbidden to participate in any bets. FIDE should make it very clear that anyone participating in tournaments would be banned for life if caught doing so. It is no different than one of the greatest baseball players of all time, Pete Rose being banned for life. A top grandmaster could easily throw a game in a big money tournament if he had a personal bet on the outcome.


It's an interesting idea, blending chess with elements of chance akin to poker. However, I think part of chess's appeal lies in its pure strategy and skill-based nature. Adding dice might dilute that essence and change the game fundamentally. Plus, chess already has various formats and competitions that cater to different skill levels. Instead of altering the game itself, perhaps efforts could focus on using existing formats and if you're interested, check out

Chess should adopt the doubling cube including adjustments.