
Chess vs AP Exam Prep

Leon_Likes_Chess wrote:
AyushMChessMator wrote:
Leon_Likes_Chess wrote:
AyushMChessMator wrote:
Leon_Likes_Chess wrote:

OH I thought is was just called the linear regression test xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Well thanks for reminding me

P.S. that is in the last chapter of my book!

Same! I really hope they give us graphs if there's a question on that instead of raw data, lol.

And thanks for not bragging about taking the course at 7th grade. You really are mature.

xDDDD welcome and thank you for helping a bit

Did you say you already took it?

Or are going to take it?

On Thursday, May 16, I will be taking the test around noon. So yes.

12:30 - me too!!

Good luck!

I heard a 65% is almost always a 5!!!

It's one of the easiest to get a 5 on! 15% of the people get it!

School first, then chess.
AyushMChessMator wrote:
Leon_Likes_Chess wrote:
AyushMChessMator wrote:
Leon_Likes_Chess wrote:
AyushMChessMator wrote:
Leon_Likes_Chess wrote:

OH I thought is was just called the linear regression test xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Well thanks for reminding me

P.S. that is in the last chapter of my book!

Same! I really hope they give us graphs if there's a question on that instead of raw data, lol.

And thanks for not bragging about taking the course at 7th grade. You really are mature.

xDDDD welcome and thank you for helping a bit

Did you say you already took it?

Or are going to take it?

On Thursday, May 16, I will be taking the test around noon. So yes.

12:30 - me too!!

Good luck!

I heard a 65% is almost always a 5!!!

It's one of the easiest to get a 5 on! 15% of the people get it!


Leon_Likes_Chess wrote:
AyushMChessMator wrote:
Leon_Likes_Chess wrote:
AyushMChessMator wrote:
Leon_Likes_Chess wrote:
AyushMChessMator wrote:
Leon_Likes_Chess wrote:

OH I thought is was just called the linear regression test xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Well thanks for reminding me

P.S. that is in the last chapter of my book!

Same! I really hope they give us graphs if there's a question on that instead of raw data, lol.

And thanks for not bragging about taking the course at 7th grade. You really are mature.

xDDDD welcome and thank you for helping a bit

Did you say you already took it?

Or are going to take it?

On Thursday, May 16, I will be taking the test around noon. So yes.

12:30 - me too!!

Good luck!

I heard a 65% is almost always a 5!!!

It's one of the easiest to get a 5 on! 15% of the people get it!


A kid in my class doesn't know how to find an outlier, or the difference between a 2 sample t test and a matched pairs t test. He's gonna fail.




One hour of RAR and one hour of chess and two hours of RARING the stRARdies

MMTMIT wrote:

If you want to be like Bobby Fischer, forget about school and focus on chess.

All I need to play like Bobby Fischer is

1. A brain transplant.

2. A plethora of neurotransmitters.

3. A bunch of Soviets to yell at.

AyushMChessMator wrote:
MMTMIT wrote:

If you want to be like Bobby Fischer, forget about school and focus on chess.

All I need to play like Bobby Fischer is

1. A brain transplant.

2. A plethora of neurotransmitters.

3. A bunch of Soviets to yell at.

In term of risks 1:10,000 or 1 : 100,00 chess players survive for their living.

If you choose traditional education,  70-80% finish school , 50-70% finish university, 30-40% will get decent job(depends on profession)

I mean focusing on traditional education will make your life easier (low risk).

drmrboss wrote:
AyushMChessMator wrote:
MMTMIT wrote:

If you want to be like Bobby Fischer, forget about school and focus on chess.

All I need to play like Bobby Fischer is

1. A brain transplant.

2. A plethora of neurotransmitters.

3. A bunch of Soviets to yell at.

In term of risks 1:10,000 or 1 : 100,00 chess players survive for their living.

If you choose traditional education,  70-80% finish school , 50-70% finish university, 30-40% will decent job(depends on profession)

I mean better focus on traditional education will make your life easier (low risk).

Yeah, I'm trying to become a doctor, and I'm the first person in my high school's history to take a college biology course in my freshman year.

Chess is more of a hobby to me.

FutureGMRudyPat wrote:
AyushMChessMator wrote:
drmrboss wrote:
AyushMChessMator wrote:
MMTMIT wrote:

If you want to be like Bobby Fischer, forget about school and focus on chess.

All I need to play like Bobby Fischer is

1. A brain transplant.

2. A plethora of neurotransmitters.

3. A bunch of Soviets to yell at.

In term of risks 1:10,000 or 1 : 100,00 chess players survive for their living.

If you choose traditional education,  70-80% finish school , 50-70% finish university, 30-40% will decent job(depends on profession)

I mean better focus on traditional education will make your life easier (low risk).

Yeah, I'm trying to become a doctor, and I'm the first person in my high school's history to take a college biology course in my freshman year.

Chess is more of a hobby to me.

u respected leon for not bragging, and look what you do lmao

It's not bragging. Anyone can ask the guidance counselor to get into AP Bio in the freshman year. 

You're also late as hell on this forum.

FutureGMRudyPat wrote:
AyushMChessMator wrote:
drmrboss wrote:
AyushMChessMator wrote:
MMTMIT wrote:

If you want to be like Bobby Fischer, forget about school and focus on chess.

All I need to play like Bobby Fischer is

1. A brain transplant.

2. A plethora of neurotransmitters.

3. A bunch of Soviets to yell at.

In term of risks 1:10,000 or 1 : 100,00 chess players survive for their living.

If you choose traditional education,  70-80% finish school , 50-70% finish university, 30-40% will decent job(depends on profession)

I mean better focus on traditional education will make your life easier (low risk).

Yeah, I'm trying to become a doctor, and I'm the first person in my high school's history to take a college biology course in my freshman year.

Chess is more of a hobby to me.

u respected leon for not bragging, and look what you do lmao

You also call yourself a future gm in your username, so there's that.

AyushMChessMator escribió:
Prometheus_Fuschs wrote:

I have my math AP exam in about 2 days, I'm not worried.

Is it AP Bio? That's the one I'm taking.

No, AP Calculus BC level.


Considering the AP Tests may help you get admission to a good collage and, if you don't pick a Mickey Mouse Major, your college degree is likely to help you earn more than 90% of chess professionals.

Then you can use chess for fun and to keep your mind sharp.

MickinMD wrote:

Considering the AP Tests may help you get admission to a good collage and, if you don't pick a Mickey Mouse Major, your college degree is likely to help you earn more than 90% of chess professionals.

Then you can use chess for fun and to keep your mind sharp.


Prometheus_Fuschs wrote:
AyushMChessMator escribió:
Prometheus_Fuschs wrote:

I have my math AP exam in about 2 days, I'm not worried.

Is it AP Bio? That's the one I'm taking.

No, AP Calculus BC level.

Nice!! Hope you get a 5! happy.png

AyushMChessMator escribió:
Prometheus_Fuschs wrote:
AyushMChessMator escribió:
Prometheus_Fuschs wrote:

I have my math AP exam in about 2 days, I'm not worried.

Is it AP Bio? That's the one I'm taking.

No, AP Calculus BC level.

Nice!! Hope you get a 5!

U too happy.png


bump. I have calc bc ap exam on may 8th. The curve is insane so not worried.

dev_the_pro wrote:

bump. I have calc bc ap exam on may 8th. The curve is insane so not worried.

Hope it goes well!
