
Does playing Checkers harm your Chess Playing?



I know that one sounds odd. Nonetheless, when I was in college in the mid-70s all the strong players insisted that playing a single game of Checkers would throw off their sense of space for 2 or 3 weeks. Is there anything to this? If true, does anyone know how the effect happens?


Saxon Violence



some people just like to exaggerate the effects of checkers because they hate checkers. like seriously, how would playing checkers make me worse at playing chess?

I've played checkers before, it certainly does feel odd, but doesn't seem to affect my playing strength.

idk I still think it is not that confusing since chess and checkers are totally different games in my opinion (at least how you move and take the pieces), but from now on I will play a game of checkers a day and share my experience here after a month

That would make for a most interesting cognitive study


I don't even know how to play checkers.


I'll go play some right now!


Now I'll play some chess


 I lost. So clearly playing checkers won't affect your chess tongue.png 




No JK I won. But still, checkers doesn't affect chess playing


Probably, because I would have to be really drunk to even want to play checkers and the 2 week hangover would harm my chess game.

Forkedupagain wrote:

I don't even know how to play checkers.


The pieces are all the same, and move diagonally one square at a time, as though a pawn in chess makes captures. For captures, your capturing piece 'jumps over' your opponent's piece to be captured (for example, your piece on c3 captures your opponent's piece on d4, and you capture the piece by removing it from the board and placing your capturing piece on e5); if the piece lands on a square which allows a further capture of another of your opponent's piece by jumping, you can make those captures in succession. Once any of your pieces reach the end, they promote. No, not to queens. They just gain the ability of moving and capturing backwards.



the pieces promote to kings.


if I had a choice to play one game of chess or a lifetime of checkers. I'd play the one game. practice makes perfect, so by playing any other a sense hurts your game of chess. just playing blitz will hurt your standard play.


i doubt checkers hurts your chess at all.


Thank you eric0022 but sounds way to complicated for me.




eric0022 wrote: Post #20


First diagram - White to move

Second diagram - First capture

Third diagram - Second capture in succession

Fourth diagram - Third capture in succession and the promoting of the checkers piece to a 'king'


No chess and checkers are completely different games


If by "playing" you mean sanding the paint or varnish from the equipment and snorting it, I can see that having a negative impact on your chess game.

DragonPhoenixSlayer wrote:

No chess and checkers are completely different games


It does affect me to a small degree (the last time I played it), considering that both games are played on similar boards and diagonal movements are common to both games, but I only need a small amount of shaking on my head during a chess game to convince myself that I am no longer playing a checkers game.


Unfortunately, the last time I played checkers was several years ago.