
what % of 100 players are there here


what % of 100 players that is players who never leave the 100 to 150 mark all the time  the kind of playey that wins three then losses four - or maybe wins 2 and losses one game they must be a large % or are they not - and vica versa  what % of players are 1500 and up players whom the site is geared for i  suspect- also why are there not tournaments just for low level say 500 and under types to play in so they would have a chance of winning something or even tournaments for each level of play --- all just odd thoughts -any comments welcomed -- back to playing a 150 and under game 

You should play fried liver or scholar’s mate, should work against 100s every time.

90 percent of them. the average is 650. Might as well enjoy chess or want to see the world burn like me. Improving is a low chance.


Not always it depends how you learn if you hate improving and think you hen you have no hope

It is also harder if you get older to memorize stuff and that is what chess is about so age (sometimes ) plays a factor it doesn't mean you can't improve you just have to look at it differently

You might improve but just slower than 600s or better just cause you stay at the same elo doesn't mean you don't improve it just means the 600s are improving faster than you sre

The amount of people not able to leave the 100-150 range is very small. The reason people are stuck like you are is because they don’t learn from their mistakes.
So if you manage to to learn more from your games I wouldn’t be surprised if you gained a lot of rating 👍
Here’s another question: What percent of all chess players start at 100 ELO?
I did.

i thought we all start at 100 when you sign up medelpad makes a good point most do raise themselves up most in a quick time to 400 to 500 level -- but i think after playing the countless games i have seen a lot of players never get beyond 200 ever --- i would wish there was a stat for that if the avg player is 650 -- then stands to reason a lot of players are at the bottom with me but what % id what i would to know -- also learning from ones mistakes is a reasonable thinking idea but since the game is always changing then what are mistakes one day are good moves another --- there seems to be no pat way to success in this game -- everyone is on there own-- justa thought for tonight as i close meds starting to take over