
Can't understand "Time" chart


Hello, I'm trying to interpret how to read the Time chart in the Analysis.

The time indicated when I hover over the moves in the time chart is not

consistent with the time(s) shown on my clock when I step through the game.

In the below screenshot, I have clicked on move 19 in the Time chart.  When I hover,

it shows 19.  ... 28.5, I presume it's indicating that it took me 28.5 seconds to make that move.

However, when I click on move 19 in the move window, and press the arrows to go to the

previous move, I see that my clock changed from 5:48 to 4:05, indicating that it took one minute

and 43 seconds to make move #19.  Again, the time chart has a high bar indicating that move ..19 took a long time, but the # of seconds displayed when I hover is inconsistent with my clock from the game.

Has anyone else seen this?  Am I interpreting things incorrectly?  By the way, it would be helpful if the longest moves did not all bump up against the top of the chart - I can't really tell which move took the longest by looking at this chart (and again, the times displayed when I hover are, to my knowledge, inaccurate).








After move 18, your clock was 6:17. 19 Bd3 took 28.5 seconds and your clock after was 5:48. Your next move took 1:43.


Okay, right, then I found a bug in the Analysis software.  If I click onmove 19 ... Bd3

it shows my clock at 4:05.  If I press the "back" button, my clock then shows the bishop

move back to the previous square and my time changes from 4:05 to 5:48.  That's not correct,


Edit:  I've confirmed that the times shown on the clocks in the Analysis screen
are different from the times shown in the "live" screen.

Check it out:



Hey, sorry for the late response but i just saw your bug report in our system. Seems to me that you are right, and that there is an issue with this. Its forwarded to our developers, i will get back to this thread once its fixed. Thank you!

