
6 statements of any pvz game


Hi guys! This was inspired from GuessWhoIAm's '10 Statements' forums.pngforum topic. You will say 6 statements about any Pvz game (Do not say any statements about PvzH, PvzA, PvzAS, PvzGWE (Not garden warfare. It's Great Wall Edition.), and PvzO.)

The user making the question will say 6 questions. There can be any number of true statements or false ones. To answer the question, post a comment by saying the true s=and false statement numbers like this:

darwinc2007 darwinc2007

              True statements: 1, 2 and 5

              False statements: 3, 4 and 6

If the numbers are wrong, the one making the question has to say that the people who answered the false numbers got it wrong andyou have to wait for the next day so you can answer it again. The other members have 2 days to answer the question, if not, the one making the question says the answer and makes the question again!

Hope you enjoy!

Wait, and no googling.

First Question:

  1. In Pvz2, Cave zombie is immune to freezing and slowed (Only the slow effect of Snow Pea, Winter Melon, Iceberg Lettuce, Hurrikale and cold Snapdragon.)
  2. In Pvz2, Bloomerang can only attack 3 zombies at a time.
  3. In Pvz2, Pepper-pult deals more damage than Winter Melon.
  4. In Pvz2, it is impossible to freeze more than one zombie with a single Iceberg Lettuce without using Plant Food.
  5. In Pvz2C, the zombies will not immediately rush into your house and eat your brains at Sky City.
  6. In Pvz2, Hurrikale can also blow away Jetpack Zombies.

True: 1, 4, 6

False: 2, 3, 5


Wrong! Guess again tomorrow!


Lol, answer:

True: 2, 5 and 6

False: 1, 3 and 4


true: 2,5,6

False, 1,3,4

rukja wrote:

true: 2,5,6

False, 1,3,4

you don't get a point

darwinc2007 wrote:

Lol, answer:

True: 2, 5 and 6

False: 1, 3 and 4

2 is also false because boomerangs can attack 1,2,or 3 zombies at a time,not just three


make another one

True: 2 5 6

False: 1 3 4

PvZ BFN is bad.


Or mediocre at best, but that's still a bit of a stretch