
The Indieverse: The Hands of Time

thegreatauk wrote:

Ok, this got downright dark... I like it.


Coming from a guy who wrote two short stories about demons, the level of darkness in this story is good

HorribleTomato wrote:

So, you're the player?


thegreatauk wrote:

Ok, this got downright dark... I like it.


Post #555 award to me
Mr_Alex_Pims wrote:
Post #555 award to me

At this rate I think post #666 is one to watch out for.


Chapter 4: Way, Way Deeper Down

“XX.XX.1983, 09:34:17. Timeline 1. 

The killing of Susie, Fritz, Jermey, Gabriel, and Cassidy did not have the effect as intended. The timeline remains unaffected. 

Clearly, no progress can ever be made in the word of FNAF. Now moving on to the next world. End tape.” 

“They’ve only been popping around for like a day or so,” Bendy continued on. “We’ve been fighting them off as best we can, but, as you’ve seen, it isn’t exactly easy. These two here both decided to come and see me,” said Bendy. 

“And you guys survived?” the Player said. 

Mr. Peterson snorted. “Do I look that weak to you?” he said.

“Well, what about the rest of the team? Where are they?” asked the Player. 

Bendy hesitated. “We don’t know,” he finally said.

“So what’s the game plan?” asked the Player. 

“We were going to - ” began Freddy. 

Suddenly, the door to the safe house burst open, and out from behind it came a horde of the Constructs, dozens of them, too many to count. They alternatively began to jump, shamble, and crawl into the room. For all their strengths, they certainly weren’t very fast. 

Freddy summoned a wave of pizzas and slammed them into the oncoming horde, holding them back for just a moment. The Neighbor and Bendy ran for the sub-tunnel. 

“Come on!” yelled Bendy, grabbing the Player and dragging him along with them. 

“B-but what about me dying the second I went through and stuff?” the Player complained weakly. 

“We’re going to have to risk it,” said the Neighbor, still somehow sounding both gruff and bored while an unstoppable army vied for his death. “And, sad to say it, but we kind of need you.” 

The Player hit W on his keyboard, and together the three of them jumped into the sun tunnel entrance.

The game did not close. Suddenly, everything became blue, and distorted, although the room retained its exact appearance and dimensions.

The distorted silhouette of Freddy Fazbear turned and jumped into the crate, returning to his normal color as he appeared next to them.

The Constructs wandered around the room and then left, apparently bored and in search of new prey. 

“Why didn’t they follow us in?” the Player whispered. 

“They come from here. They seem to be very reluctant to return,” Bendy whispered back.

“Here, let’s go,” said Freddy, already walking out of the room.

It quickly became apparent to the Player that while the room that they spawned in was identical to that of the room they came from, the rest of the world was definitely not. When the Player stepped out of the room, the hallway that clearly came from BATIM started blending into that of FNAF and Hello Neighbor, the color of the walls turning from one shade of blue to another, decorations appearing on the wall and disappearing. 

The party walked on, and after a few rooms, they came to a glowing golden clump of pixels, churning and turning. None of the three gave it a second look. 

“What’s that?” the Player asked. 

“An access point back to the surface level. Don’t bother with it. We’ve already checked all of these,” Bendy said without turning around. 

The party marched on, past more glowing golden pixels, dispatching a duo of Constructs that got in their way, though not without difficulty. Bendy’s manipulation of ink, however, ensured that the party stayed unharmed and triumphant. 

Finally, they reached a room that resembled the office of FNAF 1. A blue, distorted version of the fan spun around on the desk. 

“Over there,” pointed Freddy. A locker behind the desk of the security guard appeared to be glitching out of existence. 

“It’s like we feared,” said Bendy with a noticeable quiver in his voice. “We have to go down another layer,” 

“ANOTHER layer?” the Player asked.

“Yep,” said Freddy. “And there might be more layers under it. We don’t know,” 

Without any further words, the trio walked through, and the Player was forced to follow. 

The instant the Player walked through, the world around him began to break down even more. Everything slowly melted into gray lines. There were now no visible relics from any games.

The hallway they were in was simply a straight shot to the end, with a golden clump of pixels waiting for them. The foursome jumped in. 

The party popped into existence in what appeared to be a ghostly replica of Baldi’s schoolhouse, but hardly had time to admire it before a new kind of Construct charged at them. 

It was absolutely hideous, flickering from Playtime to the Bully to the Sock Puppet. It hovered a few feet above the ground, gliding forward eerily and without sound. 

Without speaking, Mr. Peterson stepped forward and swung his shovel, while Freddy and Bendy stayed back and rained down living hell, working together like the well-oiled unit that they were. 

The Construct simply refused to die. It kicked the Neighbor in the leg, and while the blow didn’t appear to have much force, when it connected, Mr. Peterson howled in pain and began to hobble. 

Finally, after a few long minutes, Mr. Peterson wildly swung his shovel, and Playtime’s head fell clean off. The body of the Construct dissolved into ones and zeros and fell into the floor. Gone. 

Everyone stood and looked at one another for a few moments. 

“How about we get back to the surface?” asked Freddy, and everyone happily agreed. 

Two corners later, and the portal (it was a portal, the Player decided) came into view in front of a distorted version of the phone. 

“Ready?” Bendy asked. “It’s the start of a new adventure!” 

Freddy and Mr. Peterson’s faces looked dark as they walked through and became as blue and glitched as the rest of the environment. 

“Ah. Well, you’re ready, right?” Bendy said. And with a wink, he stepped through. 

The Player took a deep breath and followed. 

The window for Bendy and the Ink Machine instantly closed, and Baldi’s Basics seamlessly opened.

A dozen of the new Constructs stood in the way, blocking the only exit out of the dead-end hallway. 

“I’m never coming on another adventure with you guys ever again,” the Neighbor muttered.


Chapter 5 arrives on Friday, October 11.


Great chapter!


Okay nerd I see the stupendium reference.

Isn't Freddy yeeting pizzas a FNaF world thing?

And question, the only character that has the ability to leak into worlds is Monika. What's the player's danger if he don't do ****

HorribleTomato wrote:

Okay nerd I see the stupendium reference.

Isn't Freddy yeeting pizzas a FNaF world thing?

And question, the only character that has the ability to leak into worlds is Monika. What's the player's danger if he don't do ****

But everyone missed by Stupendium reference in the first one.

Yes, it is.

Perhaps his conscience is telling him not to abandon all the sentient entities on his computers to die. Perhaps.


(Goes to constructs folder)
(Deletes the constructs folder)
(The end)


First of all, no such folder exists.

Second, more could appear at any time.

And third, the Constructs are not the real problem here. 


(crashes the computer)






(am i right)


Chapter 5: Futilit

Tim drove forward slowly in the pizza car he had borrowed, listening to the engine run behind him. Waiting, waiting oh-so-patiently. 

An orange car suddenly appeared in the distance, growing closer and closer. 

Tim continued on the road at a snail’s pace, watching the car grow nearer and nearer. 

Finally, they were close enough that he could see the two occupants. A burly, mustachioed man. A slim, pretty-looking young woman.

Gunning the engine, he swerved into their lane and slammed into it at full-force, making it flip over and sending both of them off the road. 

With a thought, Tim jumped back a few minutes in time, calmly walked down the street, and watched the pizza car he was driving slam the orange one off the road at a safe distance.

Or not-so-safe. The orange car slammed into the ground a few feet away from Tim, sending shards of glass everywhere. One flew towards him and hit him in the chest. 

Choking, gurgling out blood, Tim turned back the clock a few moments, walked a few more feet away, and observed the crash at an actual safe distance. 

The side door, which was now on top, popped open, and the mustached man climbed out, somehow alive, and even mostly unscathed. He flopped to the ground and dragged himself over to the car, trying to look inside. 

“No… no…” he muttered to himself. 

Mr. Peterson looked up. There, standing some distance away, was a brown-haired man in a suit, casually adjusting his red tie. 

“You… you!” the Neighbor shouted, insanity creeping into his mind, convincing him that the man in front of him was evil. 

The man turned and looked, and in an instant, he was gone. 

“An unknown date. 14:37:29. Timeline 1.

While the attempted murder of Mr. Peterson did not succeed, the subject was rendered emotionally and mentally unstable. This can be considered a success. 

It should be noted, however, that no change was made to the timeline. 

No more progress can be made in the world of Hello, Neighbor, for now. End tape.” 

The Player grabbed a quarter out of the air and right-clicked on the nearby vending machine, getting a BSoda in return. 

Just as the first Constructs stepped forward, he released them, pushing the entire group all the way to the end of the long, long hallway. 

“Come on!” he shouted, ducking into a set of yellow doors, and Freddy, Mr. Peterson, and Bendy hurried after. 

The team of four rushed around the school, fleeing from the Constructs rather than fighting them. 

“Come on, we need to find Baldi,” the Player said, grabbing a chocolate bar off of a desk and eating it. 

They rushed past the detention room, where Constructs were so crowded inside that they literally filled up the entire room. They saw Gotta Sweep pushing them around at random. They saw a whole party of them smashing at It’s A Bully, who of course did not move for them.

Coming to the starting hallway, they saw the teacher himself, using his ruler to keep three enemies at bay. 

“Baldi!” Mr. Peterson yelled, tromping down the hallway. 

“I was WONDERING when you guys would show up!” Baldi said, his voice still as warbling as ever, even as he smashed a Construct with such force that it flew backwards several feet. 

Together, the now-fivesome ran from their enemies, Baldi and the Neighbor using excellently placed shots to knock aside the Constructs that got in their way. 

“Where are we going?” shouted Freddy as he summoned yet another wave of pizzas to stall the growing horde behind them. 

“There’s a safe entrance over HEREEEEEEEEE!!” yelled Baldi, pointing with his ruler. 

The team sprinted down the halls at breakneck pace, sometimes watching the characters of Baldi’s Basics rush down the hallway in the other direction, and from the sounds behind them, it seemed like the unstoppable tide of Constructs was in fact being stopped. 

The heroes burst into the deserted cafetorium, where one of the tables was glitching and phasing out of existence. 

Baldi, Freddy, Mr. Peterson, and Bendy all charged into it without a second thought. 

The Player stopped for an instant and stared at the table, gathering his wits. 

In that instant, a Construct snuck up behind him and dragged him backward, away from the exit. 

“No… no!” the Player shouted, helplessly smashing his computer keyboard to absolutely no effect.

The screen flashed red. Again. And again. 

Inexplicably, it crashed. The main menu booted up. 

The Player had just missed out on his chance.


Chapter 6 comes out on Friday, October 18.


Oh my gosh, this is so intense! The mysterious time-traveling guy has me on the edge of my seat. This is epic!




Um yourself