
Mixed suggestions and improvements


So you asked for suggestions?

I've been a diamond member for some time now, and here's a bunch of them. Laughing

Don't misunderstand me, I absolutely love already, I think it's the best and most comprehensive resource out there.

That's why I am a happy diamond member, after all.

But here I put all thoughts I had, you know, when you're just doing something here on and find yourself thinking "Hey, it would be great if..."

It's kind of a big post, a "commital" post I could call it, I apologize.


1.1 - Slow down Tactics Trainer's piece animation on iOS app

Computer's move animation is really too quick for me. Sometimes I can hardly see what piece is being captured by computer on tactic's move 1. Animation should be slower or at least I should be able to move back and forth trough the "played" movelist.

1.2 - Web game viewer's FEN string following current position

It seems to me it would be useful if FEN string displayed on the right of game viewer would update according to position currently shown on board, instead of being fixed at final position.


The following suggestions come as a consequence of my vision of being the one-and-the-only resource a player would need to play and improve. 


I don't use ChessBase. I use SCID but I hate to have to replicate off-line stuff among my multiple devices: a desktop at home, my notebook, iPhone, iPad.

The cloud is the answer. By now I'm using ChessMicrobase but in my idea that should be inside

That would imply:

2.1.1 - Tag Your Games

While Trophys are ok and make the community funnier, it would be usefule to be able to add tags to your own games.

That would allow you to classify them and then filter or pick them up by tag

2.1.2 - Move Marks On You Own Games: you know, those "?" and "!" we're so used to. Smile

2.1.3 - Position-specific "Annotations" tab in your own games

Maybe just another small tab in game viewer besides "Moves" and "Details", to store position specific annotations.

2.1.4 - Variations in your own games

Adding, deleting, promoting and demoting a variation in your own games, all this editing done through a dedicated "analysis" editor, maybe.

2.1.5 - Diagrams in your own games

We all have seen some chess video and know how self-explanatory a diagram can be. Those arrows and square-highlighting tricks really do their job.

It would be nice to have this kind of functionality on your own games too, to use when reviewing them.

2.1.6 - Load your OTB games

Just a PGN upload functionality to add games to your personal games archive

To have an idea of all these points, have a look at what chessmicrobase is, look for instance at this sample puzzle.


2.2.1 - Move-specific "public" comments in all games

When commenting games, besides whole-game comments we already have, it would be helpful to have a specific-position comments section, just like when playing a vote-chess game, where comments are stored in a per-position fashion.

2.2.2 - Allow to add an online game (played or observed) to your game archive and allow to download it.

It was so frustrating, for instance, to follow the most recend Carlsen-Anand match game live, and not be able to download it as it was finished.


2.3.1 - "Themed" tactics trainer

Here with "themed" I don't mean something like "skewers", "forks" and so on. I mean for instance typical "openings" tactics, or middlegame or endgame.

For openings maybe you could sub-theme it to specific openings, e.g. themed tactics arising from King's Gambit and so on.

For middlegame, sub-theme e.g. in board center or board wings.

For endgames, sub-theme e.g. in typical endgames we all must learn.

2.3.2 - Openings Learner

Openings explorer is fine but IMO it just doesn't do the job.

To learn an opening effectively I need a tool that:

a) will show me the variations of that opening, maybe better if illustrating concepts underway

b) will allow me to playback them, to memorize the line

c) will question me on random positions taken from that opening lines, asking me to make the move

Take a look at what Chess Position Trainer is. It's a software, not a site, ok, but that's to grasp the idea.

2.3.3 - "Favorites" on all content content is absolutely great. I absolutely love all articles and videos here. I find them so instructive.

I'd like to keep track of the ones I like most, and to keep them organized.

Browser's bookmarks simply don't do the job: again, too many devices, too many browsers to keep it al synced.

The cloud is the answer: here, just mark the content as "Favorite" and allow some way of favorite management, be it folders, tags, or something else.


That's all Folks, at least by now! Wink


Hello! When I press the "analyze" buttonopens a windowfor the analysis of the game. This window opensin the upper leftcorner of the screen.It is inconvenient. I have to movethis windowto the middle of the screen. Can you makea windowopenedin the middleof the screen?


Birthday is only to 2001. I am born 2004, but I cant write it in my personal profile? 
