Alessandro Santagati's Blog

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The draw proposal

The draw proposal

FM alexsuper1987
| Jul 23, 2012

Why should we propose a draw?Often a player decides to offer a draw with his opponent  out of fear ( rarely because of fatigue ). To improve we must overcome the fear to loss. The difference between a good player and a strong player is that the se...

Think at the enemy plan

Think at the enemy plan

FM alexsuper1987
| Apr 26, 2012

The chess game is a battle, Napoleon first of a battle studied the psychology and the knowledge of his enemy , to understand his plan. In fact , for his time, he was also a good chess player. When we play a game, we should understand also the ene...

Desperate Weapon

Desperate Weapon

FM alexsuper1987
| Mar 19, 2012

In chess we must to be carefull in each situation, also when the game is almost won or nearly lost. The danger is always around the corner. I'm agree with Aagard when he says , in his books ,  that we must play like humans and don't like machines...

Santa Chess 2012

Santa Chess 2012

FM alexsuper1987
| Mar 13, 2012

Santa Chess 2012 is a turn-based tournament ( 3 days for move ) with 96 players. The tournament start with 8 groups , only the first for group go at the final group. I organize this tournament for celebrate my thirth anniversary on I...

The stalemate

The stalemate

FM alexsuper1987
| Mar 3, 2012

An important idea in chess is the stalemate, often the chessplayer underestimates this situation or he ignores it. I think that is very important know the stalemate and to have in our memory some stalemate positions.                I kne...

Two united pawns in the sixth line

Two united pawns in the sixth line

FM alexsuper1987
| Feb 17, 2012

Hello everyone, this is my first post in and I want to explain an important idea in the endgame.Two pawns in the sixth line are more strong to a rook , only a rook can't prevent the promotion of one of these two pawn. Diagram 1   The...

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