
The Time Out Bully


The 'Time Out Bully' 


You know them and unfortunately so do I. What is it about these 'time out bullies' that makes me you want to kick the cat and put your mother in law straight into the old people's home? You know the chess monsters we are talking about here on Live Chess - the one's  you have beaten fair and square with 10 minutes left on the clock. 

Will they resign? No. 

Do they turn off chat? Yes. 

You sit there, feeling your rage escalate, a likely cyber transferance which you pick up from the guy at the other end of the line. Of course you deserve to have your points, you try to be patient and let the initial rage subside. Then your imagination starts playing tricks. I mean what type of person is this guy? Was he not breast fed? Is he so spoilt, that he cannot lose a game in a sportsman like fashion? 

The time out bully is much more common than one first suspects. I play a lot of live chess and there seems to be quite a few of them out there in cyber world. I was against the death penalty until quite recently - now I am all for bringing back hanging. Hanging seem like a justifiable punishment for these bullies because they keep you 'hanging around' for no apparent reason. Now, I know what you are thinking,  seems like an extreme punitive reaction. In part, with tongue in cheek, of course you would be wrong but also right. 

Why right? Well its only a game - chess - no big deal, a few minutes of your time, no worries. 

Why wrong? Imagine that you were told you only had 6 months to live, were confined to your bed and had only and porn to keep you company. Now, you begin to understand the hang'em high policy. 

Due to outrageous misfortune, there is so little time left for me on this wonderful, beautiful Earth. So I have no time for the Time Out Bully, life is far too short. Besides there is always therapy, for them, not for me. Get the therapy then play chess, like a good sportsman, not a spoilt child.  

Anyway, try not to judge me too harshly for wanting to bring the death penalty back and watching porn. I hope at least to have brought a smile to your mortal faces and therefore have not wasted your time. 

If you are feeling a tinge of guilt right now, and feel a tightening in the neck - that's because you are a guilty bus terd and if you don't want to be hanged then play the game buddy, not the player. 

As for the rest of you, non guilty sorts. Be well and prosper, see you in cyber world. Oh by the way - I lied about the 6 months to live part, and the porn actually :)  


It's happened to me before, but it's no big deal. Just visit chesstempo in the meantime and improve your game. And premium members can play multiple games simultaneously (I think).


Some of them go a step further puchiko... I played this guy today mornin in the following game :

he waited full 9 minutes before making the last move... with the hope that I would have left the comp running without me being around. Unfortunately, for him, my comp's speakers were loud enough to register the move-sound. 

Anyway, I know it's no big deal, it's fair for them to think as much as they want in their time frame. But I'd rather they use their "Winning" tacts on the board rather than off it. 

It's frustrating... I would resign if they ask me nicely cos I dont play for ratings. But i'd rather wait a whole day than give away my points to these buggers. 


that has got to be one of the worst stock photos of a red card


will it work?


Do you really expect us to believe you were lying about the porn???


"So I go to play some chess, right, and agree to play a game with ten minutes for each player, right, but then, get this; the guy actually takes ten minutes! like, what the heck?, like what if I only had six months to live and I agreed to play a game with ten minutes for each player and the guy took ten minutes then?"


thanks for the link TheMouse - it is all making sense now 


never happenend to me


I'm not sure I'm getting your point. 

You're suggesting we look at porn when confronted with time burners?  (Not, that there's anything wrong with that.)



frankly, when I start the game now, I just go to the guy's page and see if there is any feedback like "this piece of sh... quits as he loses". If so, I just doconnect to show my disrespect. I also always write on their pages this kind of feedback to make sure others will have been informed.


Seems like the OP is missing a simple solution. Put the chess board on half of the screen and porn on the other half. Now you can let that clock tick down with a smile on your face and you don't need to rage.


I didn't see any lewd comments.Cool


That's "lewd" in the US or Russia? Better stay away from Australia then. We must be "lewd" personified. Laughing

I found the reference to capital punishment more offensive.Yell


oh yes. I see that. I took his whole article in the spirit that he wrote it. When I play one, I'll say on chat, "be back in 5 min's, going outside for a smoke"...or making a cup of coffee. I see no point in just letting the clock run down. That is all.

HurricaneMichael1 wrote:

Um, it says no lewd comments dude.

Did you read the OP? It was a direct reference to his post. So if you're going to complain about one, complain about the other.

HurricaneMichael1 wrote:
ChessSponge wrote:
HurricaneMichael1 wrote:

Um, it says no lewd comments dude.

Did you read the OP? It was a direct reference to his post. So if you're going to complain about one, complain about the other.

Please use english, not texting, what is OP?

Look at this guy


It means rotating Vietnamese shame wheel.


Looks like maybe it's about time for Hurricane to hire a life coach...


Well, I'm glad to hear you don't know what that is.  At least some of the goofier aspects of modern American life haven't left our shores.