@Porcyyyy: The Interview with the most creative writer

@Porcyyyy: The Interview with the most creative writer

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Hello my dear chess enthusiasts! This is @TecDragoman and I want to share with you another interview in the hope that it will be at least as successful as my last one. I'm speaking of the interview with @ChessExpert_119. And stay tuned, today's guest is maybe the most creative person on She is not only one of the funniest people I know, she also has a heart of gold and created many really cool and inspiring forums and blogs. I'm speaking of @Porcyyyy

If you're wondering why I didn't post the next part of my Chess Chronicles series, then you didn't read Chapter 1... There I said that the second part, the second half of the invention of chess (the spread over the world, more precisely, from the Renaissance onwards) comes next week, after this long planned interview 

But now let's start with the action: The Interview! But before we start, I have one last little thing to say. And if you say something like "Oh man, not again, please just start", it's completely okay for me. So, and now the thing I really wanted to say: It was so funny to make this interview, Porcy is so cool and so funny, I enjoyed it really much

So, well then, enough digression. And Tec, you're not babbling any more crap. We will start now! 

The interview started simply. After I asked her if she even wants to get interviewed, she asked simply with a "Yes". And of course did one of her emoticons (:3 or :0, in this case the first one) not miss. The first real question to her was, why not, I ask that everyone, how chess is connected to her life. She told me that it's not really connected to her, but then she started to talk about her origin story, at least when it comes to chess. "Well, when I was 3, my elder sister taught me the rules. Her rules were all wrong, but thats what made me play the game lol. I have two cousins (both older than me) and theyre both USCF-CM's, so they motivated me to play as well". That were her words. The next question by me was what her sister, respectively her cousins taught her. She said: "Well my sister taught me how to move the pieces. My cousins didnt really teach me anything lol. About 4 years ago, for my birthday, my cousin bought me a membership on chesskid ( for kids). On that site I learnt a lottttt :0 Mostly everything ik right now is thanks to ChessKid and a bunch of yt channels :0". Then I asked her about tactics, and she said that she doesn't have any special tactics, but tips for beginners: "Nope, no special tactics. For chess beginners, I'd say play rapid first, play slowly in rapid and after getting a good rapid rating, start playing other chess forms. This is what helped me anyways :0". I continued with asking her for the first time if she has anything to say, but I had to follow-up a bit get information by her: "Nothing else I want to say tbh. I'm active on for almost the entire day, every day. I'm also active in Lichess and Discord. I write poems, stories and I play Bullet Chess in my free time :0". I asked her about writing, because I just love to write stuff too, and she said that sentence: "I like writing whatever comes to my mind. When I feel interested by any chess topic, I usually try to write a blog about it on this website. If I just feel bored, I write some stories which are funny to me at that moment :0" . Then I asked who are her favorite bloggers. They are: @Nimzo-IndianaJones, @SheldonOfOsaka, @AstroTheoretical_Physics, who I interviewed (click on the blue button to see it), @Lightning and @Rodgy. Well, I asked her if she read the interview with Astro, and sadly, she didn't. She heard about it, but that's all. This was it then, we said goodbye to each other and then the interview was over.

Well, if you want to read the whole interview, you can see it right below 

And here comes the whole interview:

@TecDragoman: Hi! Are you interested to be interviewed by me?

@Porcyyyy: Yes :3

@TecDragoman: Okay, now comes the first question: How is chess connected to your life?

@Porcyyyy: Well, when I was 3, my elder sister taught me the rules. Her rules were all wrong, but thats what made me play the game lol. I have two cousins (both older than me) and theyre both USCF-CM's, so they motivated me to play as well. It's not really connected tbh, but becuz of my sis I started playing :0

@TecDragoman: Nice! Can you tell me what they taught you?

@Porcyyyy: Well my sister taught me how to move the pieces. My cousins didnt really teach me anything lol. About 4 years ago, for my birthday, my cousin bought me a membership on chesskid ( for kids). On that site I learnt a lottttt :0 Mostly everything ik right now is thanks to ChessKid and a bunch of yt channels :0

@TecDragoman: Interesting... Do you have any special tactics you use or something you want to share with chess beginners?

@Porcyyyy: Nope, no special tactics. For chess beginners, I'd say play rapid first, play slowly in rapid and after getting a good rapid rating, start playing other chess forms. This is what helped me anyways :0

@TecDragoman: Thank you! Is there anything else you want to say? Maybe about where you are active and what you do in your free time?

@Porcyyyy: Nothing else I want to say tbh. I'm active on for almost the entire day, every day. I'm also active in Lichess and Discord. I write poems, stories and I play bullet chess in my free time :0

@TecDragoman: You also like writing? Which topics do you write about? It's not a problem if we digress a bit

@Porcyyyy: I like writing whatever comes to my mind. When I feel interested by any chess topic, I usually try to write a blog about it on this website. If I just feel bored, I write some stories which are funny to me at that moment :0

@TecDragoman: Okay: What are your favorite bloggers?

@Porcyyyy: SheldonOfOsaka, AstroTheoretical_Physics, Nimzo-IndianaJones, Lightning and Rodgy :0

@TecDragoman: Okay, sorry for the advert now, but have you read Astro's interview with me? I totally begrudge him that he became a top blogger

@Porcyyyy: I didn't read it, but I know you made the blog :0

@TecDragoman: No problem... I think we're finished. Or do you want to say something else to my community or to me?

@Porcyyyy: Nothing much lol. Thanks!

@TecDragoman: I have to thank you. Did you enjoy the interview?

@Porcyyyy: Yeah lol

@TecDragoman: Okay then, that's it! Thank you for your time! See you maybe soon!

@Porcyyyy: See you soon too lol :0

Okay, that was everything. I hope you enjoyed reading my blog and I would be glad if you leave a comment with feedback and ideas below. Please follow me and join my Fan Club ( if you haven't done it yet and see you next week when I'll continue the Chess Chronicles Series with talking about how chess spread over the world since the Renaissance

Cya next Friday 


PS: I'm sorry that the half blog was deleted somehow, please forgive me (Feel free to suggest a punishment for me in the comments)